The Harvest Season

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Hello readers! Thank you all for being so patient with me. I'm sure everyone is busier now with the school work and other activities. In fact I'm working on another LOTR themed project at the moment, involving filming a short movie, if its something you might be interested in watching I'll be sure to include a link to it once its finished. Anyways, I'm sorry to say that this chapter is a bit short but I couldn't leave you guys hanging any longer! I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 15

The Harvest Season

It was the morning after my fight with Thorin and strange encounter with Legolas.
I had woken up to feel the warmth of the Academy's heating system flowing throughout our dorm.
I snuggled deeper into my bed, feeling my silky skin melt into the blankets. I sighed, finally leaping out of bed and getting ready for the day.

As I dressed, I hesitated when my fingers brushed across my purple necklace. I stared at the odd gem remembering Legolas's words to me,

" When you wear it try to hide it, I don't want somebody to steal it from you."

I frowned, something wasn't right about this whole situation. I finally decided to leave the necklace in my room for now. I would figure out a more permanent plan later.

I sat down next to Estelriel, Azelótë and Agarwaen in the dinning hall.

"Did you get the breakfast special?" Estelriel mumbled through a mouthful of food.

I held up my bowl of pumpkin cake with cinnamon spice. "Sure did, I love seasonal foods."
I winked at a love-struck Azelótë who happened to be preoccupied with staring at Kili, sitting at the staff table.

My own gaze caught the attention of Legolas. He smiled politely at me, still eating breakfast. He looked fine, happy even.

I shook my head and returned his gentle smile. Maybe I had just read to much into yesterday's events.

I was glad the academy had settled into a more regular schedule. We started the day with showers, followed by breakfast and announcements. Then of course, the day would proceed with classes, study time, dinner and back to our dorms.

A voice jolted me from my thoughts and brought me back to reality. Did I always zone out this often? I should really get out of my head more.

"C'mon! The horns called!" Azelótë said, nudging my shoulder. I exhaled briefly, a long day was ahead of me, full of tests, projects and all new assignments.


'Write down the names of the first Elvish and mortal couple.'

I was currently sitting in Lord Elrond's class taking my 'Midterm' exam.

'Beren and Luthien.' I scribbled onto the parchment.

I rubbed my temples and continued with the exam. It was the third one I'd had in a row! Thankfully, taking a test in Legolas's class provided me with a distraction from the awkwardness of yesterday's events. Other than that, things were going smoothly.


"Alright! Group two; table decorations, group three; specialized drinks! Group four; pastry decorating! Group five..."

Pippin rattled off different group assignments and sent the class off to accomplish their duties.

Each teacher chaperoned a group, however, since there were more groups than teachers, Mr. Bilbo Baggins (the younger) chaperoned our pastry decorating group.

We were gathered in a hall leading off of the kitchen and dinning hall. Mountains of pastries were stacked all around tables. Edible garnishes, icings, frostings and sugar dusts were all laid out with a menu-guide instructing us on how to decorate each set of a specific dessert.

Bilbo smacked his lips and his eyes gleamed, obviously plotting to nibble on something here and there. Estelriel and Azelótë groaned at the amount of work we head ahead of us.

", what if we each picked a table to decorate. That way if we end up not finishing all the pastries, we'll still have a nice variety." Agarwaen stated, after assessing our direction sheet.

"That sounds fine to me!" I said, smiling at a very hungry looking Bilbo.

We spent the better part of the class sorting and decorating our tasty fall treats.
I started on a table full of desserts called, "Yáviérë".
It's a traditional elvish treat, made in celebration of the autumn season. It looked like a cross between a cupcake and a pie. They came in pumpkin, cinnamon and apple flavor. (Of course I had to taste sample a few!)

Each Yáviérë was sugar glazed and decorated with colored frosting (based on flavor) and garnished with either a pumpkin flower petal, cinnamon stick or apple wedge.

Before long, the horns rang out across the school and we left our pastry room for lunch.

"Ugh...I don't think I ever want to see another pastry again!" I moaned complaining to the girls as we picked our way through the lunch line.

"Me too! Those dwarvish vanilla roasted muffin things were a nightmare to glaze!" Azelótë messaged her hands as if they were cramping.

"Oh look! Here come the boys." Estelriel piped up, exchanging a flirtatious glance with Merry.

We took our seats outside, even though it was getting chilly.

An autumn wind had picked up, and leaves of all different colors were falling to the ground.

I drifted away from group after eating letting the cool air fill up my lungs. I don't know why, but with the change of seasons it suddenly hit me; I missed my home.
This world was wonderful and better than I could have ever imagined but I couldn't help but feel a bit homesick.
It had been almost a month since I first came here, I almost felt guilty for not thinking of my family or friends before now. I crossed my arms around my waist as a new breeze brought pinpricks onto my skin.
I would stay here, I knew I would. I just felt confused and uncertain as to what my purpose in Middle Earth was.

I knew I was here to become a better writer, and to exceed my own ambitions to be a star student. But what happened once I graduated? Would I truly never come back to Middle Earth again? I hesitated at my next thought... Would I never see Legolas again?

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