Orcist and Shadowfax

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Chapter 5

Orcist and Shadowfax


I knew little about that subject. As I walked into the forge-like classroom I thought I saw a glint on the floor, something silvery green perhaps?

As I reached for the small object, I bumped into something else...then I realized that 'something else' was Aragorn!

"My bad!" I stuttered out.

"It's nothing, I see you found my ring." He smiled a coarse rugged smile and picked up the ring that I noticed on my way in. Girls had been trying to get his attention this entire time.

"Aragorn! Aragorn I love you so much! Aragorn! Are you and Arwen still together?" Blah blah, silly things like that. Again it seemed like I had ticked off some girls by the attention I had received from Aragorn.

He cleared his throat, "Heed my words! This class requires focus, skill and strength. I won't pass you unless you earn it, understand?"

Someone called out a Gandalf pun about passing...it was mediocre at best.

Aragorn merely brushed distractions aside.

"Ahem. Alright, now if you have had Legolas Greenleaf in class already, our teaching methods are similar. Therefore, we'll begin with everyone drawing a slip for certain weapons. Go on, aye, just pick a piece..."

He said wandering around the class

I picked a slip that read

'Sword; Orcist is preferred or find similar'

Orcist was Thorin Oakenshield's sword. Aragorn then explained that we'd be working with the actual named weapon, studying it and if given permission, using it for a later portion of the class.

I was excited, Orcist was by far my favorite sword in Middle Earth. It was so sleek and different. Before the end of class Aragorn had a few of us with special weapons stay after.

"Now, you're the one that got Ocrist aye? You're going to want to talk to Thorin, get on his good side then tell him about this project. He's new to the academy and I'll warn you, he's a tough case so I wouldn't expect him to loan you his sword, but give it a try."

My hopes fell, Aragorn was right. Not only was Thorin so brooding, he wasn't very fond of elves. Speaking of Thorin, he was my next teacher, and this was the only class I didn't have with Estelriel and Azelótë.

Upon walking into Thorin's classroom, I noticed it was different than what I'd been expecting. Instead of a dwarf-like mine, the room was actually quite open, bright cozy even.

A pack of hungry fangirls ran past me looking for Thorin and trying to fix their dwarf outfits or whatever, combing their beards and whatnot.

I suddenly noticed, I was the only elf in this room. Shoot. I took my seat in the back. Thorin walked in and excited whispers broke out. He simply sat at his desk and called out attendance alphabetically, 'V' was probably last... Wonderful.





He looked up "Where?"

I raised my hand slightly, he huffed

"I thought that name was elvish! Usually so noble and proud, what are you in the back for, eh?"

I didn't say anything, I could take a jab, his eyes just twinkled a bit.

"This is a reading class." He put emphasis on the word reading, addressing all of us.

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