Chapter 8

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  Skylar POV.

Where the hell are they?

  I pulled out my phone and texted Emma for like the 10th time asking where they were. Here I am leaning against Dylan's car waiting for them because I just had to carpool with them this morning. Why the hell couldn't I just say no thanks.

  An uncomfortable tingle from the back of my neck down my spine fueled up my alert mode. A strange sensation of being watched coated my senses and the fact that my watcher's identity was unknown filled me with anxiety that made me want to drop to my knees. I pushed myself off of Dylan's car to looked around the lot trying to find who this person causing me distress was feeling more and more anxious by the second. My eyes drifted over to the far end of the now nearly empty lot to a suspicious dark grey Lexus. 

   I slowly walked towards the vehicle squinting my eyes as I tried to make out who was inside, but the dark tint of the made it nearly impossible to make out the person behind the glass. The car hummed to life as I slowly made my way over. I tried to pick up my pace once I realize they were about to drive off, but it made no difference as they sped out of the parking lot. A gut feeling that I knew who was in the car sent me into a panic as I walked back to my position against Dylan's car. I tried to shake that feeling not wanting to believe it was who I think it was. 

   The doors to the school opened once again finally revealing Dylan, but no Emma. Dylan sent me a toothy grin as he got closer to me, and pulled out his car keys and pressed the unlock button. 

  Finally. I walked around to the passenger side and I tugged on the handle a few times before realizing that he didn't unlock my side. I looked up at him and sent him a death glare as he chuckled and he opened his door then slide in.

  "Open the fucking door you moron!" I knocked on the window a few times until I finally heard the click signaling that the door is unlocked.

  "Your a fucking asshole." I cursed at him as I got into the car. He just smirked and started the car. "Where's Emma?"

   "Cheerleading practice. She said she forgot to tell you they are practicing everyday now since the championship is coming up." I rolled my eyes as he started to pull out and plugged in my headphones. 

   Of course she "forgot".

   I leaned my head against the window and looked at the buildings and trees that seems to just zoom past. after a while I close my eyes and start humming forgetting that the person I can't stand the most. I was at peace, almost forgetting I had the most irritating person by my side until I felt him starring at me. 

  What the fuck up with me being watched today?

 "Stop it." I said sternly getting very annoyed and uncomfortable as he continued to stare.

 "Stop what?" Dylan asked. 

   I had to take a deep breath to stop myself for reaching over and smacking him before I opened my eyes to looked at him.  He took a quick glance back at me then quickly turned his attention back to the rode as he slowed down at a red light.

 "Stop staring, moron" I scolded him. He sent me a quick confused and shocked look probably wondering how I caught him with my eyes closed.

  "How would you know if I was staring if your eyes were closed" He question confused.

  "How would you know if  my eyes were closed if you weren't staring," I fired back quickly.

  "Let's get this straight, I wasn't staring, I was looking through the rear view mirror and -"

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