Awakening - Chapter 10

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I finally got Chapter 10 done, YAY!!!

Anyway like I commented before,

I'd really like it of you guys could take a look through all my Chapters again or just this one if you like and tell me what doesn't make sense and what does, maybe even Grammer mistakes, spelling mistakes, the whole etc thing. It would be a really big help and because I'm rewriting from the 'Prologue' and UP it would make it easier for me and I would be able to put out the next Chapter sooner.

Thank You Pheoxy and don't forget to check out 'Alone'


Title: Alone

Author: Pheoxy

Chapter 10

I woke up to the buzzing noise of helicopters and the indescribable pain in my back. I rolled a little to the left and gasped as white hot pain shot through me. I tried to move at least a little to stand up and get away.

It hurt and it took me a few tries to get up without screaming, but I somehow managed. I had a look at myself, everything was blurry around the edges but I made out that I was covered in blood. Something was wrong with my wings and my left arm, maybe broken. My legs were only just holding me up but I managed to stand completely. The pain was coursing through me like a jack hammer, I stumbled a few times and fell over so many times that the pain only got worse. I was near somewhere, although surrounded by trees. I knew it, there was a town close. I could hear the traffic ahead of me.

"Not. Far. now." I told myself through my teeth. Everything had got a little blurrier lately and I was having trouble picking through the overgrowth.

Just as I rounded a little more I noticed a building in front of me. I couldn't tell what it was because I couldn't see it properly and then for some reason I was suddenly looking up at it.

I must have fallen over again. I leant against my right elbow and tried to haul myself up through everything that was telling me to stay put or it would hurt more. But I had to keep moving, I had to find someplace safe to hide in.

I couldn't get up properly, however I was able to drag myself up and lay up against the building. I was really cold, how hadn't I noticed that before?

But I still need to keep going, find someplace warm and safe. "Find someplace warm-" I grunted trying to get up "-and safe." I told myself repeatedly, in a hope it might help get going. It helped a little, although standing up my wings were numb. It was better, but not a good sign. I couldn't feel my fingers much either now. "Someplace warm and safe." I said again.

I continued the never ending cycle in my head 'just a few more steps' 'just a few more steps'. My vision was now nearly completely faded and my body could no longer to support me properly enough.

I felt like a zombie, moving along by what felt like shear will power. I didn't know where I was going anymore, all I could hear was the traffic on the other side of the building and the small steps I continued to make.

About then another sound started in, the sound of rain. Typical wasn't it, it felt nice though and it must be cleaning my wounds at least a little. It was warming me, I must be nearly gone I thought and just a few weeks ago I thought it would be great turning 16. Now I thought that it wasn't. Because ever since then I've had to hide from everyone, in fear of them finding out about my wings. Now I hope they remember me, because now I can't move anymore and I feel like I'm dying right now. 'But I don't want to' I thought again, I want to go home and sleep. I mustn't think about sleep, I have to be awake. I fell in to the darkness.

I woke up that morning to a horn from somewhere in the traffic, I wasn't dead. That's good, but I don't feel much better. I lent up against my right elbow and got up off the floor and looked around. I was in some building I gathered, light was filtering in through a hole somewhere above me. Hitting me directly in the face, it felt like heaven.

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