Awakening - Chapter 4

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Title: Awakening

Author: Pheoxy

Chapter 4

I walked out past the gate of our house and turned towards the park. I really needed to think through all this that has happened and I relax the best there. The air was cold, but it didn't hit me like it used to. Its like it just went around me, but I actually wanted to feel that cold. It made me feel normal. I walked on when I noticed that everything seemed to be bright, something was wrong. It must be getting darker because the lights were on. Why was it still bright then. I checked my phone, eight-thirty. It usually got dark around six. So why is it so bright? It wasn't the lights. Great, another weird change. I must be able to see in the dark better. I was on a streak of not normal things. All through my life I just wanted to fit in. So why me....?

I was getting close to the park now. I was planning on sitting on a swing but some feeling told me to keep going. There were people in front of me. I hid behind the closest tree. It sounded like a heated conversation so I took a peek.

"Mal." I said before I could shut my mouth. They didn't here me, but Mal was defiantly there. Now who was the other guy? Holy crap! Mal was being mugged. The mugger pulled out something and pointed it at Mal. A gun, it was gun! I ran as fast I could. Bang! Then I smashed into the mugger. He went flying, I jumped on him as soon as he landed and punched him as hard as I could. I hit him in the shoulder and I felt a weird crunch. Then it popped really grossing me out and I jumped off. I checked to make sure the gun was gone. It was lying about 4 meters away, I didn't think he was going to get up. It looked really painful, but at the moment I needed to find Mal. He was hunched over clutching his shoulder. Oh no, did he get shot!

I got tackled to the ground. There was a man above me and he looked really angry. He grabbed my jacket, I tried to stop him from pulling it off. I don't want anyone knowing about me so I tried to grab his hands and pull him off. I ended up helping him. The jacket came off and my wings unfolded. He saw them and his eyes were nearly popping out of his head. Then he got angry. He had his gun in his hand. It was pointed at me.

"What the fuck..." He probably said it to himself, but I heard it. I unfolded my wings more. That felt better. Keeping them against my back and sides really cramps them up a bit. He looked scared but he continued pointing the gun at me. I looked at Mal, he was watching me. But he was close to going unconscious. Blood was starting to pool, that isn't good and if I move I'll be shot. He was going to shoot me any way probably. I looked at Mal again, I need to get him away from here or else he'll die. He might annoy me at school sometimes and I don't really know him at all. But for the first time I actually really looked at him. He was actually good looking. Can't be thinking about that now though, he needs to get to a doctor fast!

I reacted without thinking and kicked the mugger as hard as I could. Something snapped, the gun flew away some where and he was lying on the ground breathing heavily. I ran back over to Mal he was unconscious. I need to go now, but how I can't lift him. I heard someone getting up. It was that damn man. He turned an ran, never looking back.

Ok, wheres Mal bleeding. I need to find the wound. I'd done a first aid course once so I know that I needed to press something on it. But where was it. I remembered him clutching his shoulder. Shoulder! Right! I quickly grabbed my big jacket and tried ripping it. Not even thinking that it wouldn't give. Weirdly enough though, it did. I ripped up a few pieces. I pressed the first make shift bandage on the shoulder wound and then I wrapped the second over the bandage and around his shoulder tight. Making sure pressure was still on his shoulder. I need an ambulance quick. But my phone was in my jacket. I checked the pocket I'd left it in. Not there. It must have fallen out. No choice, I was gonna have to try and carry him there. Even if I couldn't get far. I had to at least try.

When I went to sit him up to try and stop some of the blood flowing. It was surprisingly easy. I tried picking him up. He was light? Even if he was a head taller than me, I had to carry him. Why was he so light? I was probably really strong to. Great, we all need a super strong woman. I picked him up as carefully as I could. It was hard. He was bigger than me.

As soon as I was holding him right I tried to remember what way was the hospital. A weird feeling told me it was the other direction of my house. I keep getting that weird feeling. It hasn't let me go wrong so far though. So I trusted it and I began running as fast as I could. Which was quicker than I thought.

Mal looked cold. I brought him closer to me and tried to wrap my wings around him a little. Without them getting in the way or clipping a pole. I'd hate to find out how much a broken wing felt like. I saw Tyler brake his arm. That was enough for me. I felt like I wanted to fly for some reason, I looked up at the sky and I almost ran into someone. Wow, I was moving really fast. I was past them in way under a second and by the time they noticed, I was gone. I ran and ran until I reached a sign on the road. It read 'Hospital 10kms' (Thats just over 6 Miles). I was already getting tired and now I wished I'd stayed a bit longer at home to have tea. But things could have been worse for Mal then. I pushed on and eventually caught myself looking at Mal.

Mal, who was Mal? He was the joker in our little group at school. Only he played most of the jokes on me. Good thing he was taller than me or I would have killed him a while back. He was good looking. I looked down at his face. He looked almost like he was younger, like he was younger than me by a lot. His blond hair had a little fringe and his brown eyes looked almost like he was enjoying this. Wait, why was his eyes open? He was staring up at me. He was conscious again That's good news.

Whoa! I nearly ran into a truck. I had jumped at the last second and now I was soaring into the air. Like it was instinct, I snapped out my wings. They caught the wind. It confused me at first and I started plummeting. I managed to get it right and I started gliding over buildings. I was really flying! Something that everyone can only dream to do like me and I was doing it. Now I know why, it felt so good. But I do have to stop getting distracted or else I might be the one that kills Mal. My stomach turned at the thought.

I glided until I was near the Hospital. Then I tried to land somewhere in the open. I didn't care if people saw me. Mal would die other wise and things weren't going so well now. I needed to check his pulse, my confidence was dropping. I tried a running landing and only just manged to stop myself from tripping over until I came to a stop. I checked Mal's pulse, still there. Good and I ran as fast as I could towards the Emergency Part of the Hospital. Fortunately no one was around out side at the moment.

I tried warming Mal up with my wings. I felt blood get on them. But I needed to hurry. I burst into the Emergency Wing, how ironic. and yelled for a Doctor. Several came, but only a few managed to help me with Mal. Most of them had shocked looks on their faces and were staring at my wings. I suppose it was different and they did look awesome, despite the blood. But I was busy.

"He's got a bullet wound in is right shoulder!" I practically yelled.

"Ok." A doctor replied. He seemed nice and he wasn't staring at me like the others.

"What about you?" He asked.

"I'm alright. Is he going to be ok?"

"I hope so." Mal was put on a bed and carted off like lightning. The nice Doctor was gone. I turned around about to leave when another Doctor was standing right in front of me, he looked at me with hungry eyes.

"I have to go." I said and ran out. They called out for me to wait. But no way was I going to. They really freaked me out and they should be helping Mal. I was out of the Hospital quicker than when I came in. I had to get home and have another shower. Blood was on me again. Like seriously, is it attracted to me or something. Its really gross.

I hoped Mal would be alright. He actually was a nice guy when I think about it. I remembered, I flew and it felt great. I better get home now or Dad would get worried. I wrapped myself in my wings and headed home. It was cold now.

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