Awakening - Chapter 6

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Sorry about the wait guys.

I think I'll be able to put more chapters up soon though and my family issues are getting sorted out. Although I do need some inspiration so drop a comment and don't forget to VOTE.

Oh and drop in on Missvampiredreamer @

(see I didn't forget :D Inside joke)

She's was sort of my first Fan. LOL

Yours Pheoxy =^_^=


Title: Awakening

Author: Pheoxy

Chapter 6

School was hard the next day. We had a physical test. I managed to get away from most of it. But I still had to do the run. We ran 3 km (That's nearly 2 miles). I finished before everyone else and stayed next to our teacher the whole run. I ran it in under 7 minutes. I hadn't even broken a sweat when my teacher looked like he just had a shower. "You should join the track team." He said still gasping for air.

I could have done it quicker. But I didn't want to bring attention to myself. That was stupid thinking I just did.

"No thanks."I replied, he was still trying to fill his lungs with air and he had an annoyed look on his face which was seriously messing up his features and giving his blond hair a creepy look. Can't say I blame him though. At least this change has a lot of positives. The negatives can go jump off a bridge though, I'll admit wings are cool but they always manage to get in the way. I must look like I've got a beach ball on my back. The only person who's noticed though, told me to sit up straight. Fail on her part, I already was. At least they keep me warm.

"Theia, Wait up!" I turned around and got barreled over by Zoey. I nearly got to my locker this time.

I landed on one of my wings and suppressed a squeal of pain. Ouch! That hurt, don't think I ever want to break them at all. I hadn't noticed I was biting my lip until I tasted blood.

"Zoey, can you not do that?" I asked. It came out weird, I was still winded. Zoey got off me though and muttered a 'sorry'. Then continued on with whatever she was talking about. I opened my locker and just did the usual yep, awesome and ok. I never pay any attention when she's talking most of the time. Otherwise I'd be there all day.

Lunch wasn't all that great. I'd brought along some sandwiches and literally swallowed them whole. I hadn't realized I was this hungry either .I stole one of Zoey muffins while she was busy staring at Brain. That's when I heard him wondering where Mal was today and I almost brought everything back up I'd eaten back on to the table. It was a small table that we had to fight for places so I don't think they wanted that on there. But still, they don't know yet? I hope he's alright. I looked at the muffin again and began mowing into it again without a seconds thought.

I looked up to see Brain, Zoey, Alice and Taya staring at me.

"What?" I said, I suppose I had been in my own little land all day. But they went back to their little discussion just as I got a cramp in my back. It was really hurting too. Need to get outside and stretch, ow ow ow. "Be right back!" I said and ran back into the school building away from our little spot under a tree. I took the stairs two at a time and nearly mowed down two girls as I flew past (not really though, I was just running fast). Although I was probably just a blur to them.

I threw the door open to the roof and stepped out. Ah crap, just my luck. There's already someone here. I looked around for a hiding place. Damn it, it's really hurting and if I don't find a safe place to stretch soon I'm in trouble. It's just not my day. The other kid was focused on something in front of him. I moved to his side a few meters away so he wouldn't notice me. He was playing one of those handheld game things. He had ear phones in. Well...... screw it, this hurts. I pulled my jacket off and ran over to the side of the roof behind the door. I let my wings out. Yea, that feels good. Ouch, need to stretch before the cramp hits me again. As I worked my wings I didn't notice that the kid had gotten up and was staring at me. Come on it can't get any worse can it?

I don't think he'd seen my face though so I tried to shield it from view. Fail, he's already seen it. I stopped and stared right back at him. I'm so screwed. What am I going to do now? Before I could think of something the kid stepped back just a little too close to the edge. He didn't notice.

"What the?" He asked sounding a little freaked. Can't blame him I would be to.

He stepped back again and hit the guard tripping him up. Oh no he's going to fall. He yelped.

I felt my heart skip a beat and speed up rapidly. Everything slowed down. I reacted as quickly as I could. Unfortunately he freaked more and started falling. Sometimes I think you could look up the word stupid and find a picture of me next to it. Anyways back to the matter at hand.

I jumped off the edge and pulled in my wings as quick as I could. Wow that was stupid and not just because this kids seen my wings. I still don't know how to fly properly. No time to think though, I grabbed him and thrust out my wings trying to slow our decent. They were burning. Then something strange happened. Well stranger than before. I felt light all of a sudden and then I got massive burst of energy. My wings reacted and I was high above the school in what must have been seconds. The kid was scratching me. "Let me go." He kept screaming over and over again. He was just a little crazy or maybe he hasn't seen how high up we are and I wasn't going to be able to land on the school roof so I headed for the trees on the other side of the school fence. It was a fairly large group of trees. I landed and let him go. He was stunned now. In shock, he must have realized what just happened. I checked where he scratched me. It was already closing up. At least it's a positive, I wouldn't want to explain the scratches to my Mum.

Then just as the energy came it went and I slumped to the ground. Now I'm starving. Flying is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

The kid was still standing there. I chuckled, it looked like his jaw was going to hit the ground any second now and aw crap he passed out. His jaw did end up hitting the ground too, but for only like a second. That whole flying and moving really quickly really takes it out of yah.

I remembered that I left my jacket on the roof and screamed inwardly at myself. It might get blown away. I wouldn't be surprised if someone stole it either. I liked that jacket.

I picked up the kid and surprise, surprise he was as light as a feather (maybe a little heavier). Ok he was defiantly heavier and wasn't getting any lighter. Actually I think he was getting heavier, my vision was starting to get blurry. I managed to get to a tree, slump down still holding him before I blacked out.

I woke up hungrier than a bear after its hibernation period.


I'll get the next one up as soon as possible.

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