Awakening - Chapter 2

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Title: Awakening

Author: Pheoxy

Chapter 2

As soon as I could move a little easier without to much pain I tried to touch my wings, only to regret it when they twitched and I felt a weird sensation that ran through my body and ended in alot of pain. So I tried to slowly get up. I was unsuccessful for a while but I somehow managed to get into a sought of sitting position. Although it hurt like hell I had to get up and somehow clean my bed because it was gonna stain with what looked like a lot of blood and sweat. Definitely a combination that I don't like. I also needed to somehow hide my wings from everyone when they wake up and this time I'm sure something bad would happen. It was just that same feeling again. But first I needed to get a drink and maybe later something to eat, my throat felt like sandpaper and I felt like I hadn't eaten in days.

Every time I try to get up I over balance and end back up on my bed. The wings don't feel like a dead weight but its not like there helping with my already sore eyes and nausea. I some how managed to pull myself to the bathroom by dragging my wings along with me. But I ended up hurting myself a hell of a lot trying to get up to the sink and get a drink of water. The numbness that I was feeling was starting to turn to pain in my wings and I decided that it would be better if I cleaned them. I pulled myself over to the shower, its made to be used as a bath as well so it was a bit awkward and painful trying to get in to it. I turned on the water and let it splash over me until it warmed up. Then I grabbed the shower head of its stand and began trying to wash myself without hurting myself to much.

I washed my self down and began trying to clean my wings that were protruding from my back. It was really painful but I managed to clean them some what. I tried to clean my back a little but it stung and I had to keep from putting to much pressure on it. I was able to move my entire arm without to much trouble however every time I went a certain direction or tried to lift my arms my wings moved and twitched causing a lot of pain and I had to be careful.

When I thought I was finished cleaning myself up I was able to walk back to desk dragging my wings along behind me. It was starting to hurt too so I had to learn to move them soon. I couldn't sit down without hurting myself again so I remained standing in the middle of my room. My room isn't overly big but I still have enough room to spare. I heard a meofff! which was coming from my bedroom door. Mint probably thought I locked her out, great now shes gonna be grumpy today and tomorrow and I'll have to make it up to her somehow. She's a little cat that can be a handful but shes really nice in her own way and reminds me of an old woman who has to much energy. I looked at the time six-o'clock, crap I had to do something about my bed. So I pulled my blankets and sheets off and threw them in my closet and pulled out a few blankets that my Mum stored under my bed. My pillow looked dry but I knew I'd have to get a knew one with all the blood and sweat that's in it.

When I'd finished fixing up my bed which normally would have taken me two minutes turned into ten I started getting worried. What if they see me like this? I piled up my other pillows and went and got another drink from the bathroom again because I was still thirsty and I was worried what would happen if I walked down the stairs and my Dad saw me. He has to get up the earliest and he's pretty loud in the mourning so Mum wouldn't be far behind him.

I got back into bed and put the blankets over me and covered my wings. It stung and I was still really sore. I was hoping that whatever was happening to me, the worst part was over now and somehow I knew that it had only just started. Things are going to get worse. That wasn't a good feeling but at least I knew it was the truth.

So I lay on my stomach and I fell asleep. When I woke up Mint was curled up next to me. She was warm so I hugged her. I was hoping that last night could have been a dream. But it wasn't. My wings were still there, I could feel them properly now. I just couldn't move them right and it still hurt a little, at least the painful part was over though. Mum must have come in as well. I checked my clock, eleven-thirty. Right now I would normally go back to sleep if I was sick, but right now I needed to try an move my wings so that I could somehow hide them. That and I was so hungry I could eat anything.

After checking if anyone was home. Fortunately no one was, I had brunch and what Mum had left for me in the fridge. I grabbed my new laptop from Tyler's room which was on the first floor of our house when a little note slipped out, it had my password written on it. I walked back up to my room with a water bottle and got comfortable. Then I turned it on and put the password in. Mint came in and nagged at me, she must be hungry again. But it hurt dragging my wings around all the time and if I was gonna have wings, they aren't gonna look like crap. So I gave her the chicken out of my sandwich. How ironic, I've got wings the same as a chicken but I don't really care for them that much as one tried to peck my eyes out when I was younger.

I opened up an Internet browser that Tyler told me to open and searched for 'people with wings'. A lot of stuff came up but non of it was what I was looking for and any other search ended up the same. Angels and so on so forth. But I'm definitely not an angel, my friends would agree with me on that. I wonder what they would think of me now though.

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