Awakening - Chapter 8

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Yay, I can write again!

Here's the next chapter and don't forget to Comment and Vote!

Yours Pheoxy =^_^=


Title: Awakening

Author: Pheoxy

Chapter 8

I officially hate my life, you probably already knew that though.

Any way I'd managed to not wet myself and find the toilet although I came close when the sliding wall scared the crap out of me. People did come to talk to me, unfortunately that change thing kept me hiding under the covers the whole time. I managed to ask when I can go home. They didn't answer.

So I lay on the bed wondering what I'm going to do trying to keep myself from smacking myself on the walls out of boredom.

I'm so hungry now and they only let me eat soft foods. Its killing me, well not literally I hope.

I held my head in my hands and closed my eyes. Nothing, not a single thing comes to me except banging on the walls and the only thing that has come good of this is being able to keep my wings out. I noticed their lighter too. My muscles must be getting stronger or something and my head's pounding.

I'm getting sick of this, I want out now! I walked straight up to the door that led out of my room and stared at it. My anger was boiling and it was the only thing holding me here. I was so angry that I began pacing getting faster until I couldn't stand it I sat down on my bed. Only then did I notice that it was getting hot, but it wasn't bad. It felt good. Like the air was vibrating, like it was agreeing with me. I traced my finger over the wall and stared. To shocked to move.

Right where I traced my finger there were black marks. As if someone went over it with a lighter and deodorant and yes I have tried it. I do not advise.

I began experimenting then, pushing harder. Not much happened, the wall didn't suddenly light up in flames. Only it did melt a bit more, like seriously what was this room made out of?

My anger faded, I was surprised and then when I pushed again nothing happened. The room temperature was back to normal. Great, why do I feel responsible?

Probably because I'm the only one who's really different around here and by now I know people have always been watching me.


What seemed like forever the food man came in again and I was driven back under my sheet again. Don't ask why because I have no idea myself and its getting really annoying.

I watched him and when he wasn't looking I worked up enough courage and at inhuman speed I jumped off the bed and sprinted for the door. He noticed me when it was too late. I was out the door and running towards what I hoped was a way out.

I turned around a corner and another and another until I was faced with a long straight hallway. Somehow I had managed to navigate my way through the maze. It was almost as if I knew where I was going and that's one thing that at least helped me out in this crap couple of weeks.

Stupid wings.

I was halfway down the hallway when the exit in front of me was crowded with men. I wasn't slowing down, I wanted out now!

They were pointing weird devices at me and were yelling at me to stop. I Ignored them and sped up, they seemed to notice because they aimed and fired. I was angry, really angry. Why me!?!

The whole hallway heated up and what ever they fired at me seemed to burn up just as they were about to hit me. That wasn't saying I was just hoping they wouldn't hit me, I dodged and weaved.

They were scared now, like I might do something. But all's I did was give them one last glance before I was past them and saw the door closed in front of me. Of course they wouldn't leave it open, why would they. They wouldn't help my grand escape.

I turned around and looked at the men. They seemed frightened and I tried to stifle a laugh at what I saw. They looked stupid and I was on the verge of bursting out laughing.

Oh my god if you had of seen what they were wearing. They looked so stupid. Unfortunately I couldn't get enough time to look because the door opened and I wasn't wasting any time.

They weren't stupid though, they were waiting for me.

Did I forget to mention I hate my life.


I hope you like this chapter and I might have to edit it a bit because I wrote it straight into the "Copy & Paste" bit.



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