Awakening - Chapter 9

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Yours Pheoxy =^_^=


Title: Awakening

Author: Pheoxy

Chapter 9

"Oh crap..." I whispered My heart wasn't in it though.

Just because you might not remember, I was trying to escape from some facility or something. So far I've got a good laugh from it.

But right in front of me there was some sort of truck and there were several people around it. All of them looked like they were from the Army and they were all pointing their guns straight at me.

Not so much fun now.

My feet felt better though, so I relaxed them to make myself at least a little more relaxed. This isn't going to end well.

I unfurled my wings and let them dangle by my knees, they felt better now and I really just wanted to sit down and relax in the nice air.

Not again, stupid change thing. Theirs people pointing guns at me and they will pull the trigger.

I must have moved to quickly though because I heard the sound of about 50 clicks. So there was more around me then I thought and they were hidden. I'm just hoping they don't put a speaker on.

"Please go back to your room." A voice suddenly boomed. Spoke to soon.

My head felt like it cracked it was so loud and I had to cover my ears a bit. I was shaking my head from all the ringing in my ears and then again "Please go back to your room." Boomed through. I pulled my wings around me trying to shut it out.!?

It felt like someone was roaring inside my head. I just couldn't stand it anymore.

"Can you understand me?" It boomed through again. I was reduced to sitting cross legged huddling in my wings cursing better hearing in my head. Then I heard something strange "What's going on sir?" between to people.

"It's in pain." Sounded like one of the Army guys and when I found out who. I'll get him for calling me an it.

"Seems so, do it again." Another person replied.

"What did you want me to say, sir?" and suddenly I felt hot again. I focused on the speaker phone for some reason, I don't know why. It was like I was the third person and then it burst into flames. One of the guys yelled and I back in watched first person again through the gap in my wings as it liquidized onto the ground.

My head was still ringing and now it felt like someone decided my head was a football. My vision was blurry. But I felt like I wasn't going to pass out. I was a little stunned about what just happened though. Did I just do that? I think I did with the whole 3rd person thing. I'm so screwed now.

"I think that answers our question." The man who must have been in charge said.

State the obvious.

Oww, headache and now I'm sleepy. This isn't good,

Wow, really need to go.

I stood up and bolted for the nearest gap startling the men their and nearly getting my head blown off as a bullet just missed my left wing and then like there was no tomorrow I jumped into the sky and tried to fly as quick and without falling as I could.

They were way behind me in seconds and I was soaring though the sky.

And, I loved every bit of it.

Pity there had to be a helicopter at the base because it was headed straight for me. Then something shot out of it, I dodged as it exploded. Covering me in something, the air didn't smell right. Adrenaline burst and I was moving so fast my head felt like it might fall off. I decided I might want to stay low to avoid their tracking things.

And then everything seemed to be fading away. I was sleepy again. I tried to fight it, but it was no use and I fell from the sky.

I felt myself hit the ground. But it was like I was miles away.


I'll try and get the next Chapter done soon!!

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