Awakening - Chapter 3

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Title: Awakening

Author: Pheoxy

Chapter 3

Mum came home around four-o'clock when I'd fallen back to sleep and woke me up. "Honey it's just me Mum. There's a doctor coming round to see you soon, just yell if you need anything." Aw crap. What am I going to do now, I have to think of a way for her to cancel or I'm screwed. I'd be a test subject for the rest of my life and that really doesn't sound fun to me.

"No thanks Mum." I tried to say in my normal voice, but it betrayed me and I grabbed the water bottle.

"You sure you don't need anything honey?" Of course it would be her to take it the wrong way. So I took a long drink from my bottle.

"No I mean the doctor Mum. I really am feeling better." My voice was still sand papery but I think she got the hint.

"I suppose you do look better, it must be that time of the month." She winked and left my room. Did she really ever get what I meant? I guess not. Ah well its better than her finding out about my wings.

I pulled the covers off my back and moved around a bit and I was surprised that nothing hurt. So for the first time I was able to have a good look at my wings. The bed sheets were every where but I felt where they touched my wings and when I turned to look at them I felt them move and they felt rough. I stared at them. They were a dark brown at the point where they joined my back and slowly changed to a bright blond that almost looked like they were golden. The feathers felt nice but still a little rough. I was fixated on them. I also noticed that at the ends of my wings the color was pure brown. I thought they looked really nice and I caught myself thinking, why me of all people? What did I do? I left those questions until later and got off my bed standing straight. It felt good, but what really amazed me was when I stretched my arms. My wings lifted off the ground a little, nearly over balancing me. So moving my wings has something to do with my arms, or is it just my shoulders.

I practiced for a while, it felt really good on my shoulders and I was eventually able to keep them off the ground myself. Not far mind you but it was better than dragging them every where, the tips sometimes touched the floor though. It felt so good being able to move them. I smelt the air and I nearly died, man I stink. I walked over to the bathroom and tried to keep my wings close but I still had to get in going sideways. It was better then pulling them in through the door though.

I washed myself all over and tried to watch out for where my wings joined my back because there was still a scab. I cleaned it out as much as I could though and then I got to work on trying to clean my wings. There was still some blood crusted on the feathers and it was really gross. Last night was worse than this though so I kind of got confused why I was only starting to get really grossed out now. The feathers were really warm and soft when I cleaned them properly although it was really tiring trying to clean all of them. When I was finished I found that they were lighter and keeping them off the ground was really easy now. So I tried stretching them out but I couldn't do much as they hit the walls on both sides of my room either way I went. They stretched out over two meters on each side of my back. Then I noticed they have some brown stripes along the golden bits and I thought. If there ever was a wing fashion, mine had to be in the top ten. What am I going to do about hiding them though, there simply to big and even if they do look good. That doesn't help me hide them. A thought struck me, what do birds do to hide their wings. They pull them in.

I practiced for what seemed hours trying to pull them in and keep them there when I finally got them in, but I just couldn't hide them properly around my body. I tried pulling my t-shirt over them but it hurt too much. But I wasn't going to walk around just wearing a bra and some big jacket over the top. So I decided I was going to have to wear a shirt with no back or cut holes in them to let my wings out. I picked holes because I would freeze to death other wise, winter was coming. I looked through my draws for a shirt to cut when I wondered, how much do I weigh now. I wasn't being all panicky like other girls, I was just curious. So I got back into the bathroom nearly tripping over some clothes I must have left there and stepped on to my scales and looked down at the display. Holy crap, I haven't gained any weight. I've lost weight. What...the hell? What is happening to me?

On my way out of the bathroom I looked in the mirror. At least I still look like me, my stomach rumbled. I suppose I was hungry. First I looked over my face just in case I was growing a beak or something, fortunately I wasn't and my smooth face was the same, but my blue eyes looked different. Like there was a fire brightening them up. I only just noticed that there was a golden tinge in them, you had to be looking though. Great, what else about me was different? Did my hair suddenly start changing color? I liked my brown hair. Unfortunately it sought of had, there were a few blond stripes in it. Mum was going to kill me for dyeing my hair. But I hadn't, it was just this weird change that's happened to me. What am I turning into? What have I turned into? What's Mum going to do to me because of my hair? I walked back into my room and cut one of my shirts with some scissors. The shirt was a plain gray one that had a white and black stripe going diagonally across the front. When I put the shirt on it fit but it was still hard to get on and it did tear a little so I had to take it off and cut it a bit more. I just chucked on some trackie-pants.

Once I'd got the shirt on I tried folding my wings in again. It was getting easier and easier. I managed to get them in close enough to put my jacket on. However I did pull one or my feathers out on accident and it hurt. I didn't want to throw it out so I stuck it in my hair. I looked in the mirror I didn't look to bad. I had a bump in on my back but you could only notice it if you looked hard. I think I looked fairly normal so I walked down stairs trying to keep my wings in tight. As soon as I walked into the kitchen I went to the fridge.

"Feeling better Theia." It was Dad.

"Yea." I tried to sound normal. I was already freaking out enough with these wings.

"Good. You can go to school tomorrow then." Is that all he cared about.

"I will." I replied and went back to hunting through the fridge for food.

I gorged for a while then I decided I wanted to go for a walk. Being inside all this time was killing me and yea I'm one of those people who likes being outside. When I opened the door, Tyler almost smashed into my leg.

"Sorry sis!" and he ran into the kitchen where Dad was making tea. I was normally going for walks so Dad didn't mind that I was going outside. It was freezing outside though so I was lucky I had a pair of wings keeping me warm and a jacket over the top.

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