Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


"Just let me tell them." Chase whined as I was about to start the story. I laughed as Leo slowly moved over to the living room. We all sat down on the couch as I motioned for Chase to start the story.

"Alright, as you all know, Adam turned 21 about a year ago. We accompanied him to a bar one night..." Chase left off.

"Come on guys, it's my birthday!" Adam complained as we all sat on the couch watching a movie. I sighed and threw my head back. Chase laughed as he threw his arm around me. Leo turned to see his friend with puppy dog eyes. I have to admit, this whole face thing Adam's got going on, wasn't going to work. Chase turned to see me frowning in confusion.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Adam dropped the puppy dog eyes.

"I just really want to to out tonight. Especially after everything that's happened this week." Adam said in a leading tone. I rolled my eyes, he was never going to let this go.

"Adam, we said we were sorry and so did you." Chase pointed out as he pulled me closer. I stood up quickly, for the Moment remembering that I had a boyfriend. Ethan was going to kill me.

"Bree are you okay?" Chase asked worriedly as he followed me up off the couch.

"Yeah, I just think we should get out of the house too. Maybe I'll ask Ethan to come with us?" I asked Adam hopefully. It was his birthday, so he would have the final say.

"Actually can it just be the four of us?" He replied. I nodded before he smiled and stood up along with Leo.

"Where do you want to go Birthday boy?" Leo asked as he patted Adam on the shoulder. A smiled began to creep onto Adams face.

"Can we go to a bar?" Adam asked with certainty. That why Ethan couldn't come, we were probably going to get arrested.

"No, no, no. No way. We're going to get caught." Chase said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh come on guys! We'll go to a restaurant and I'll be the only one to get alcohol! What have we got to lose?" Adam asked. I rolled my eyes.

"The right to remain silent." Leo mumbled as he made his way to his room. Chase and I slipped on our shoes before waiting for the two roommates to get ready. Chase walked over to me.

"Hey... don't we always have the right to remain sil-" Adam started.

"It was a joke Adam." Leo called from his room. Adam laughed as I turned to listen to Chase.

"Why did you want Ethan to come?" He whispered. I shrugged.

"You guys have had Danielle following you around for the entire week. What's the problem with Ethan coming to one thing with me?" I asked defensively. Chase looked down at his feet as Adam and Leo walked down the hallway towards us.

"We ready for the time of our lives?" Adam asked as he handed Chase his keys.

"Sure, lets go get arrested." Leo said enthusiastically.

"Okay, so you guys went to a bar. What's the big deal?" Davenport asked. Tasha slapped him on the arm for the second time tonight.

"Donald! The kids went to a bar when they were 18 and 19! How is that not a big deal?" Tasha shook her head and turned back to Chase and I. Wait till they heard the rest.

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