Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


It can't be true... But it is. How can both of them be in love with me at the same time? Adam helped me get together with Chase, though, and now he wants me back? As his real girlfriend this time?

I put my phone back in my pocket. Chase looked over to me worriedly. I just smiled back. I turned back to Adam to see he looked as evil as ever. He planned this, didn't he? He wanted to hurt Chase. Well that's not going to happen. If both he and Leo don't think we should be together, maybe we should just... I mean we should... I don't even know.

"Um, Chase? I'm not feeling so well. Do you want to head home with me?" I asked quickly. Chase nodded then picked up our things. Adam looked pissed.

"Sorry, guys. Can we catch up later?" Chase asked as he pushed in his chair and left a twenty on the table. I shook my head as they nodded.

"Oh no, that won't be necessary. I'm not sure if I'll be better by tonight." I said nonchalantly as I grabbed Chase's hand and pulled him out of the restaurant. He caught up with me as I basically ran to the car. After Chase opened the door, I fell into my seat and waited for him to start the car. But with him being Chase, he had other ideas.

"Bree what was that? You basically ran away from our friends while we were telling them we were together. Do you not want to be my girlfriend?" Chase asked in a worried tone. I shook my head quickly.

"No, it's not that. It's just... Something happened. Something I didn't see coming, and it happened right before I dragged you out." I explained. I looked back at the restaurant to see Adam and Leo running over to the car. This can't be good. "Chase start the car, and go, now!" I yelled. I locked the doors as Chase obeyed my orders and started the car. We started to pull away and as I turned back. I saw Adam making a gesture towards his phone. I rolled my eyes then turned forward.

"Seriously, what is going on? Adam and Leo were probably just going to check on us." Chase said calmly as he drove. He only took his eyes off the road to look to me for an answer. I sighed and took out my phone.

"Did Adam get a new number?" I asked as I breathed out. I did not want to start this. I was ready to take Chase and move to Alaska.

"Yeah, like two days ago... Why?" Chase's eyebrows rose as he thought about the possibilities of why I was acting this way.

"I got this text while we were eating and it... Well, I'll show you when we stop. But then I looked up to see Adam petty much smirking at me. Chase, I don't think the relationship was fake to him." I said slowly. We came to a stop in the parking lot outside our building. Chase gripped the wheel tightly before turning to me.

"You know he did sound mad when I was, I don't even know what to call it." Chase explained as he turned to me. Lucky for him, I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Yeah, when you asked if Adam had ever had that affect on me like you did? I thought the same thing." I said as I handed my phone to him. Chase looked of concentration as he read. As he read, I thought back to last night.

"Adam ever kissed you like that?" Chase whispered so only I could hear. I suddenly felt nervous all over again. "Has he ever taken your breathe away the way I do?" Chase whispered even lower now. I pulled away to see him smirking. Couldn't he just let the two of us have a moment without bringing my fake boyfriend into this?

"No actually I haven't. Bree could I talk to you for a second?" Adam said, standing up.

Chase looked back to me. I don't think I've ever seen him that mad.

"You know what I'm going to do to him! I'm going to... I don't even know! But, he can't talk to you like that!" Chase yelled out in frustration. I could tell by the way he was pounding on his seat, this was the most jealous he had ever been. I was both happy, and upset that he felt this way.

"Chase, calm down. Let's just go upstairs and talk this out." I said calmly. He nodded. We both made our way out of the car and towards the building. We were silent all the way up the stairs.

All I could think about was how Adam could do something like that to me. He totally took advantage of me. I pretty much came crying to him about Chase, and he pulled this whole 'fake relationship' crap. He probably didn't plan on Chase getting that jealous. Or that Chase and I would get together one night after we told Chase and Leo we were together. Adam was probably planning some way for me to fall in love with him. Well... Look how good that turned out, note the sarcasm.

"Bree, what are we going to do?" Chase asked as we both sat down on the couch. I can't believe we've only been officially dating for a day, and look how much trouble it's caused us.

"I don't know about you, but from my point of view, I really just want to hit him where it hurts. Then, just tell him off or something." I ranted. I stood up and began pacing around the room. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that Adam liked me. Correction, likes me. How could he not tell me? I know there was the fact that I was hopelessly in love with Chase, but hey, why should that stop a guy?

"Bree, I need to tell you something." Chase said quickly. He stood up and made his way over to me. I dropped my hands to my sides as Chase put both of mine into his hands.

"Bree, I am so completely in love with you, and it hurts to know that someone would want to do that to us. Especially one of our friends. But, I have to know, do you love me, too? Because I have a plan." Chase said thoughtfully. I smiled back up at him.

"Chase, I love you, too. And I trust you. Now, what did you have in mind?"


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