Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


"Why do we have to do this?" Leo asked as we walked up the very, very, long driveway. I rolled my eyes.

"At least you don't have to wear a full length dress. Also, you guys dont get judged because your hair is quote on quote, 'not the right color'." I pointed out as I made air quotes with one hand and held up my dress with the other. Chase laughed before he wrapped his arm around my waist to calm me down. Adam threw his head back as we all stood in front of the door.

"I'm with Leo. I really don't want to do this." Adam whispered. Chase rolled his eyes before raising his hand to the door. Right as he was about to knock, the door opened. We all took a step back.

"Welcome to the residence of Terry Perry. I'm going to need a name to let you in." The butler said as he opened the door. I laughed as Adam looked around waiting for someone to talk.

"I'm Chase Davenport. This is Bree Henderson, Leo Dooley, and Adam Greenburg. Our parents are all friends of Terry and we attend MCU." Chase explained in an official tone. We had always let him take care of the introductions, he just had that manner about him that made people let us into prestigious places.

"Oh yes. She's been expecting you four. Please, come in." The butler said in annoyed tone as he opened the door further and stepped back to let us in. He had never liked us. I was always in awe at Principle Perry's house. She constantly had parties with the riches people in town and yet she wasn't exactly up to their standards.

"I didn't know you four were showing. Glad to see you." Principle Perry greeted us as we entered the living room. Over in the corner you could see my dad, Chase's Dad, and Tasha. Then off to the left, was Ethan and Danielle talking to Jannel. I smiled suggestively at Leo as he looked over to see her. He glared back at me.

"It's a pleasure to be here Principle Perry." Chase said as he took my hand in his and led me off to talk with our parents. This was a formal party so the four of us had to get brand new outfits. Of course the boys just had to get new suits but I had to get a new full length dress (Bree's dress off to the side). Apparently what I had worn to a previous party wasn't up to standards.

"You look beautiful." Chase whispered before we walked up to our parents. I smiled.

"And you look handsome." I whispered back.

"I wasn't sure if you kids were going to show. Where are Adam and Leo?" My dad asked. Davenport looked over to the other side of the room to see Leo and Adam talking to Jannel.

"Looks like Leo's date went well."

Leo's POV

"Why Jannel. What might a pretty lady with a handsome boyfriend be doing standing here alone?" I asked as Adam and I walked up. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm alone because my boyfriend showed up late." She explained teasingly. Wow, tough crowd.

"Jannel let's not play the blame game*." I said as I put my hand up. She laughed as she took my hand and led me and Adam over to my mom and step dad. Bree and Chase were laughing. What could Big D say that would make someone laugh?

"Hey guys." I greeted as we walked up by my friends. Jannel and Bree waved to each other.

"Hi, Jannel. I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" Bree asked trying to make small talk. Well I guess now's a good time for that. The lady's might as well be nice instead of getting into a cat fight. But then of course while I was trying to listen to my lovely girlfriend, Adam kept poking me!

The Relationship Rule || Lab RatsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora