Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Chase's POV

I can't believe Adam. Why would he do that? We were like brothers and he just goes and stabs me in the back? Leo is also to blame here. The whole buddies rule thing. What is that? Just another way to keep us apart. Adam and Leo have something planed and I'm both curious and scared to find out what it is.

Just finding out Adam was with Caitlyn last night makes me sick. Was he using her too? Who cares anyway. I looked down at my watch to see it was twelve. Perfect time to interrogate Leo. I figured that while Bree was distracting Adam I would have time to see Leo's side of the story. There just might be something there that we don't know about. I walked up to their door and knocked slowly. I knew Adam was out with Bree and Leo doesn't exactly have a life outside of us and video games so I expected him to be here. Sure enough, the shortest member of our group opened the door with a game controller in his hand.

"What do you want I was in the middle of something. And if your here to pick a fight with Adam you're going to have to go to the mall. He's with Bree." Leo mumbled the last part. I sighed. He already doesn't want I talk.

"Leo, I'm here to see you. Yes Bree and I broke up and yes, it's because of Adam but that doesn't mean any of our friendships are ruined. Okay?" I asked hopefully. He had to think that Bree and I ended on good terms. This would get back to Adam. He has to think that we hate each other. Adam doesn't exactly catch the little details.

"Oh, okay. Come on in Chasey." Leo motioned for me to step inside of the apartment. I nodded as I stepped inside. My dad and Bree's dad had called me that once in front of Leo and Adam so now it's like a joke. A joke that annoys me to the ends of the earth. Leo quickly closed the door behind me.

"You know you broke the buddies rule right?" Leo asked as he took his seat on the couch in front of the tv again.

"Yes, I do know that. But you do know Adam and Bree are breaking it now right?" This was the perfect way to start this conversation. By picking a fight with Leo instead of Adam.

"Yeah sure. But that's different. They're not best friends like you and Bree. They're just good friends." Leo said while he played his game. He seemed completely distracted.

"No, it's really no different. He broke Bree and I up." I said while thinking back to the events of yesterday.

"That's what the relationship rule is for." Leo said. I could tell Leo knew I was confused. He sighed then paused his game. He set the controller down slowly and turned to face me.

"What might the relationship rule be?" I asked hoping he would answer and I wouldn't have a million ideas running through my head.

"The relationship rule deals with you and Bree. Even though you broke up, we can all tell there's still feelings there. Adam's breaking the relationship rule because he's dating a girl who's still into another guy, a.k.a., you." Leo explained slowly. I nodded along.

"So the relationship rule is..." I left off. I really just wanted the simplified version.

"The relationship rule is, when two friends get together, break up, and still have feelings for each other. Basically this is for those rebels like you who break the buddies rule. When in this situation, other guys are not supposed to jump in and sweep the girl off her feet. All you have to do is show her how much you want her back, Chase. She's still in love with you." Leo finished with a sympathetic smile. Oh, if only he knew.

"Thanks, Leo. By the way, do you happen to know anything about the whole Adam side of the story? I heard he was with Caitlyn last night, and now he's with Bree today." I asked. Leo looked up at me with a confused face. Then it hit him.

"Oh, you found out about that." Leo mumbled. He looked down at the floor in shame. I knew they had been keeping things from us. Then again, we weren't exactly innocent in the whole secret keeping business's.

"You know you don't have to hide anything from me right, Leo? You can tell me." I said slowly. Leo looked up excitedly. He jumps at the chance of gossip.

"I can? Okay, here's what happened. Because Caitlyn liked you when Adam liked her, he's trying to get back at you for, quote on quote, "stealing his lady". So he decided to take his anger out on you and Bree." Leo finished with a smile on his face. Wow, I had no idea he liked Caitlyn that much.

"But I never went out with Caitlyn! Why would he do that to Bree and I? He's got her now, isn't that all that matters?" I yelled suddenly. What kind of friend was Adam? Breaking us up just to get me back for something I had no control over?

"Oh no. You weren't supposed to know that. Well you should calm down bro. It's not that big of a deal. He likes Caitlyn too much to do anything." Leo explained. I looked up at him as if he was speaking another language. On what planet would Adam be able to make Leo believe he wouldn't do anything to Bree? He was obviously snide enough to break her heart.

"What do you mean he won't do anything? This is Adam we're talking about. He's walking around the mall with my girlfriend!" I yelled but then stopped abruptly. I could feel my eyes go wide as Leo looked up at me with a questioning face.

"What do you mean your girlfriend? You two broke up last night didn't you?"


AN :)

Thanks for the reads guys! And thanks to those who give me feedback every once in a while! I'm sorry I can't update as often as normal but I have a lot going on at school. All I'll say is the perfect paper is killing me slowly but surely. High school gets harder as you go along :P Anyways, thanks :)


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