Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


"Then why do you have to leave?" Perry asked. She leaned in closer to Davenport. He started to stumble on what to say so Chase stepped in.

"Adam needed to get to Caitlyn. She felt bad that she wasn't able to come to the party so we told her to meet us at my dad and Tasha's house and we'd have a movie night. Then, Bree and I got distracted by the rain and got too wet to show ourselves back at the party." Chase explained. Wait... There's one flaw to that.

"Then why are Don and Douglas wet?" And Perry found it.

"They came out to get us out of the rain." I said quickly. She nodded warily. This would hopefully work for now.

"Fine, you guys are off the hook this time. But I expect all of you at the party next week." She said sternly. I nodded quickly before she stepped back out of the car. I sighed as I heard it close. Chase and I would have to leave in a second too.

"Do you guys want to get changed and meet us back at the house?" Tasha asked hopefully. I smiled.

"That sounds great Tasha. Are you ready for the rain Chase?" I asked as Davenport slid over to the other seat to let us out. Chase laughed.

"Yep. We'll see you guys in a bit. Do you want us to bring anything?" Chase asked. Davenport shrugged as Tasha thought.

"Any snacks or movies. That movie thing sounds fun." Tasha said excitedly. I nodded before opening the door and heading out. Chase followed and raced me to the car.

"Run faster Bree!" Chase yelled as he jumped into the car. It was raining even harder now. I laughed as I reached the car.

"You try racing your boyfriend in heels in the rain to the car." I replied. He laughed as he turned on the heat and began to drive. I sighed as I let my thoughts fall back to the party. I glanced down at my dress, hating this feeling of wearing wet clothes, even though it was so worth it.

"That roof is amazing." Chase thought aloud as we stopped in the center of town. There was this store with our favorite snacks here.

"I know. Wait... Why do we have to get the snacks now?" I asked as I motioned to our clothes. We were dressed for a dinner party and were soaked. There would be some haters out there.

"Because I want to put on my pjs and spend the night on the couch watching movies." Chase said simply. I laughed as I let my mind fall back to the many nights we had done such things in high school.

"Okay. Lets get in and get out then." I said as we stepped into the rain. I loved this. Chase and I almost never dressed up and now we were racing around town in fancy clothes while it was raining. It was like the universe was telling us not to do this... Or to do this because I was having fun... I can't decide. Chase took my hand and led me inside. There were only a few people walking around. Mainly because it was ten at night on a Friday. Everyone was elsewhere, at parties and such.

"What are they wearing?" I heard one of the workers whisper. I rolled my eyes as Chase and I continued farther into the store. He held my hand tighter as we turned the corner to the snack isle.

"Guys slow down!" Leo yelled from behind us. I turned to see Leo dragging Jannel and Adam towards us. I laughed at the sight.

"Are you stalking us?" I asked. Leo glared back at me as they stopped in front of us.

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