Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I rolled my eyes as Leo came out into the living room in the same shirt he had tried on five minutes ago. He threw his arms out to his sides and spun around before giving me and Chase a thumbs up. Adam strolled out of the kitchen with a tub of ice cream and a spoon.

"Dude, you just had that on." Adam acknowledged as he took a seat on the recliner. I leaned back on the couch as Chase put his arm around me.

"Yeah, just pick one already. I really don't think Jannel is exactly looking for a fancier version of yourself-" Chase started but I had to cut him off there.

"No, Chase. That is what she's looking for. She wants to see if he can be both himself and be sophisticated. Leo, stick with that shirt. Jannel will love it." I finished with a smile. Leo clapped his hands once before waking back to his room to model shoes for us. I sighed as I looked to Chase. This was going to take all night.

"You okay?" Chase whispered. I nodded and looked over at Adam. He was face deep in the ice cream. I laughed as he looked up and had it smeared all let his mouth.

"What? Did I get some on my face?" Adam asked with genuine concern. Chase nodded as I smiled back.

"Yep, just a little in the mouth area." Chase said slyly. I bit my lip to not laugh as Adam nodded and went back to the ice cream. Leo came out carrying three different shoes.

"You do know those dont match, right?" Adam asked as Leo sat down on the other recliner. I looked over to see Leo take a deep breath before answering.

"Yes, Adam. I do. I just wanted to ask you guys which shoe-pair- I should wear." Leo stated nicely before turning into an insanely happy spokes person*.

"The green, the red, or the obvious black?" Leo asked as he examined all of his choices.

"I would say the black but I feel that you will like the gr-" I started.

"I like the green." Leo came to the conclusion. I looked over at Chase to see him hiding a smile at how Leo always did that to me. I couldn't finish one sentence around here.

"Do you need any more help, Leo?" I asked. I tried not to sound annoyed but it was coming out of me too easily. I had to get out of here. Note to future self, never help Leo get ready for a date.

"Oh, yeah. You guys can go. Thanks for your help." Leo said. He was so distracted with tying his shoes he mumbled the majority of it.

"Cool. Good luck." I said quickly. I grabbed Chase's hand and led him out of our friend's insanity asylum of an apartment. Adam's covered in ice cream like a three year old and Leo's taking on a girls persona. I shuttered at the thought of Leo in that wig from the play.

"Thinking about it?" Chase asked with a smirk. Again, he knows me like the back of his hand.

"Yes, I actually am. Do you want to do anything tonight?" I asked trying to get off of this horrid subject. I never wanted to re-see that.

"Leo what are you doing in there?" Chase asked as we walked into the school auditorium. I smirked as Chase looked around and found now sight of Leo. We had just seen the kid walking in here. Adam laughed.

"What?" Chase and I asked as we stopped just under the stage.

"Didn't you guys see him go back there?" Adam asked in a duh tone. I could feel my eyebrows raise. How was it Adam always saw the things Chase and I didn't?

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