Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"It's only natural when it comes to you Bree." Chase said. I smiled as I moved my lips to his. I smiled as I pulled away. He took my hand and led me down the stairs.

I jumped into the the passengers side as Chase started the car. I smiled at him before we drove out of the parking lot. I looked up at the building to see the one thing I hoped I wouldn't. I saw Adam watching us from the window. I hope he didn't see us.

"Chase." I stated slowly. Chase glanced over to me.

"Yeah?" He asked worriedly. He could already tell something was up.

"I don't want to freak you out but... I think Adam may have seen something." I replied. Chase looked as if he had seen a ghost. But he quickly regained his composure.

"I guess... If he did see anything... I don't know." Chase sighed as he pulled into our building. We got out and made our way inside.

"Chase, if Adams willing to do that to our relationship then maybe he's not our friend anyway." I said while we made our way to the fourth floor.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I don't get how he could be willing to do that to us. I mean, I could kind of understand if he did have feelings for you and he had to tell you. But then there's the fact that he waits until the second we told him we were going out. And he could have told you before you knew I liked you. Something's just not right here." Chase wondered aloud as he opened the door. I walked in and headed for my room. I threw my shoes in the corner and flopped onto my bed. Chase soon came in and lied down by me. He slowly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. I rested my head on his chest. I sighed as finally felt able to breath. The past couple of hours have been long. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be able to keep this up.

"What do we do?" I asked. Chase was the smart one of the group. He usually came up with the plans.

"I think we need to talk to Leo. See what's going on there. Adam tells him everything. There like girls." Chase scoffed. I laughed at his comparison, they were though. They told eachother everything. They were the kind of best friends that were inseperable.

"Come on, lets just get ready for bed." I sighed as I left Chase on my bed and made my way to the closet. I could feel Chase making his way over to me and within seconds his hands had made their way to my hips. I smiled. I loved this. I loved finally having him, and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

"Chase just go put on your pj's." I laughed. He smiled into my shoulder and walked away to his room. I quickly changed. I turned to see a very creepy looking Chase leaning against the doorframe. I smirked over at him.

"Did you watch me change?" I asked in a sarcastic voice. This caught him off guard. He was at a loss for words as he stumbled to begin.

"You know your my girlfriend now, and that seems to be okay with other girlfriends and boyfriends-" Chase stumbled along trying to find a reasonable explanation. I smiled at him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Lets go to bed." Chase mumbled into my neck. I laughed as I drug him over to my bed. The second my head hit the pillow, I felt exhausted. But I could make my mind stop. Did Adam actually have feelings for me? And if so, did I have feelings for him? I will admit, I have thought of him like a brother for the majority of the time I've known him. But I felt the same about Chase until I figured out I had a crush on him. I guess I can figure all this out tomorrow. It didn't matter right? That I was at least thinking through my relationship with Adam. It's not like I had feelings for him... I hope.


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