Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I smiled as I nodded up at him.

"Chase, I love you." I breathed out as he took on his signature goofy grin. He leaned down to my level and connected our lips. I loved this feeling. It's one that no one else has ever been able to give me. I smiled against his lips knowing that I would never be able to be with anyone but Chase.

"You always smile when I kiss you." Chase breathed out as he rested his forehead against mine. I laughed involuntarily. He laughed with me.

"Okay, what is so funny?" He said with a smile.

"How can you not know why I'm smiling? I've liked you since we were in seventh grade. Why wouldn't I smile whenever I kiss you." I stated simply as I closed the gap between us. He smiled against my lips this time. I continued to mimicking his actions as he slid his hands around my waist and moved us down on the couch. He lied lightly on top of me as we continued.

"Well if you can't quit smiling, why should I?" Chase stated simply. I laughed as he kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Before I realized what I was doing, I had threaded my fingers through his hair. Then, as if it was meant to happen, the phone rang. I groaned into Chases mouth as he pulled away and sat up straight. I moved over as he picked up his cell phone to see a FaceTime request from Leo. I sighed in annoyance.

"Why does he have to FaceTime now?" I asked. Chase laughed.

"Let me see what he wants." Chase said as he clicked accept. Soon enough I could see Leo's face on Chase's phone.

"Hey Leo. Why do you always have to face time me?" Chase asked sounding out of breath. I laughed quietly. God knows Leo would soon figure out I was the reason for that.

"Cause I like to talk face to face. Why do you sound out of breath?" Leo asked. Chase sighed. Chase moved to whisper to me .

"Now you take my breath away." He whispered quietly. I smiled back at him.

"Any you still take mine." I replied back. He smiled

"Then we're even?" Chase asked. I nodded. He turned back to Leo who was frowning disgustedly into the camera. That didn't take to long.

"You know what, I really don't want to know." Leo replied as Chase made a small smile my way.

"So, what's up?" Chase asked nonchalantly.

"I need you guys to come help me pick snacks. Lets just say I ran into phase two without meaning to and I need a ride. But I also don't want to shop by myself." Leo admitted shyly. Leo looked over to his left and smiled politely.

"Why Terry Perry, what might you be in for today?" Leo said in fake shock. This should be good.

"Well if you must know, I'm having a party tonight. Your parents are coming. Did they ask you to come along?" Principle Perry asked. She was the headmaster of our college. Leo and Perry always got into fights but because of his mom and Chase's dad funding the school all the time, things never to to far.

"They did but I had made previous plans. I will definitely be there next time though. Your parties are the best." Leo said reassuringly. She smiled as she left Leo standing there still in the middle of our conversation. I was now sitting next to Chase. Leo laughed back at me. I frowned.

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