chapter 6

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Zayn POV

As soon as I had knocked on the Louis's door he opened the door with the beautiful smile on his face.

Louis: can you give me a couple minutes I'm just getting him all cleaned up and everything and that he's all giggles this morning and your baby boy

Freddie : daddy silly

Louis: I know babe I'm silly

Zayn: he cute

Louis: ya he is Freddie can. You say hi to my teacher and friend Zayn

Freddie - I Hi

Zayn - hi

We both thought it would be good
Louis son Freddie got to know me more before we let him know that me and his dad is dating and he to small to understand that yet anyway as he gets older we will let him know the hole stroy and that a good thing to do because he needs to know the truth.and we don't want to ask any questions or point any fingers we will just let life take it time and he will know the truth about what his mother did aswell when the time comes

So we left and head to IHOP cuz we thought it would be a really good place to go for breakfast and when we got there little Freddie was busy playing with the crayons and everything in that waiting for his parents to come

Zayn: he's absolutely adorable they're playing this crayons and everything in that way he leaves for the pancakes not even 1 years old getting here he knows how to scribble does crayons

Louis: yeah I was doing all that stuff at his age and my mom told me I have a pretty smart I like you and everything and so the dr. Thinks he might as well but it's not easy when you're trying to keep up with everything she asked me

Zayn: well you're doing really well on your English I know that because everything that because the last few assignments you past and work on nominal you're doing excellent everything so keep it up

Louis: thanks and I know you're not being biased or anything because I have those assignments past and you and everything of that before we started dating this we only started eating yesterday this is pretty cool though so I heard that we have to make sure that it doesn't get in the way of your teaching and everything when it comes to a relationship but we do outside of school is ok when it comes to
Me  your student it has to be just like any other student

Zayn: of course I'm going to stay within the rules were allowed to do anything I'm not going to do to jeopardize that up the rules as I'm not that if your favorite is on that I'm not going to I'm just going to be a teacher to you when I need to be your teacher and be your boyfriend to you when I need to be your boyfriend just keep the two lives separate that's all the University want us to do because we are adults

After we had breakfast at IHOP and everything like that we went and spent the day for a little bit the park it was nice for Freddie he enjoyed it the next thing I know we headed back home when everything about your flat building I wouldn't spend some time with them and then I went back to my flat I'm wondering how Liam and Harry's day is going and Harry better fill me in

Harry POV

Me and Liam are now just getting back from are date I took him out for breakfast and then shopping for the rest of the day and I was happy that we could do that kind of thing

Because it been so so long that I've been in a relationship and everything so I'm happy that I finally found someone that I can get to know better and everything and I'm grateful for it so right now we're just going to chill and do what we need to do that at my place watching TV and everything so hopefully I'll find out how Zayn and Louis date went

Because it about time Zayn got someone that going to wanted him for the reason and the same for Louis from what I have heard he a really good kid and Liam is to and I say that me and Zayn are lucky to have them well it good to that we will always have there back

What kind of funny though going to school tomorrow that me and him are dating but I believe that it going to be a really good and I can't wait for that's so maybe people will stop bullying them and everything and know that they're just as good as the rest of us anyway hopefully everything will go great tomorrow in school soon as that late so the next thing I know my baby had to go home for his day with Louis

Harry - hay man what you do today

Zayn - well we went to IHOP for breakfast with little Freddie and then we took him to the park for the day and then when you go back to the house we put them to bed and everything but I was getting tired for his nap then we spend time just watching TV and cuddling

Harry;  me and Liam went out to eat and then we went to the movies and everything then we came back here

Zayn: well that was good just going to kind of weirdo tomorrow we go back to the university because we're now dating two of our students so they go to get bullied is going to be worse because then again we could stop at your house first but I know one thing that everything complies with in the new rules

And he was right so we both went to are rooms and went to bed

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