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Hard to believe that years ago I was a struggling college student raising my son on my own now getting married before kids and I have a good job because I was studying to be I was sitting there so now I'm on the top successful lawyers out there and I married to one of my college professors it wasn't for him I don't know why that's right I'm bisexual so I had a kid with a woman first that she was fit so I packed up my things and moved out of my parents house because of stuff that was going on with my father and I want to try to get the proof to help my mother and siblings out as well I was not having my kids being around things like that I was going to be the best they could be what type of my best friends I was able to get through everything

I'm at good point in my life right now
And I'm happy that I have the love of my life . But it was not always this way . So let me take you back to how I got to this point oh how rude of me and I forgot to introduce myself my Name is Louis Tomlinson well it Louis Tomlinson Mailk these days and I would not have it any other way because he save my life and if it wasn't for him I don't know where I would be in the same thing for everybody else that to me and I kid let's go back to. The time my life change for the better

The year was 2015

Me and my girlfriend broken up because she always getting into drugs and alcohol and I was not about to raise my kid around that so I got full custody of my son and left her because she was going to leave me anyways she was the party life and she was proven unfit so I now have full custody of him so I'm working very hard to raise my son and go to school at the same time and work 2 jobs my mother sometimes my sisters come over and watch my kids so I can go to school and stuff but it's a good thing that I moved out of my house with my family that was wondering if I could stay there with the way my father was

These days though my mother is with someone else and my father f***** up which is good but when I moved out he was still there thank God he left but he still tries to cause trouble no matter what. Well it's another year of University another day we're supposed to be having some professors come this year I wonder how things are going to be I'm studying law hopefully I can get my law degree and push forward without having to worry about and you think the best friends happen to live in the same building as me which is good this is a pretty much a university complex so everybody that goes here as rent is not very high which is good and thank God my two best friends that live in this building or here when I need them and what they do for me as they help out by watching my kid to when I need somebody it's good to have people you can always count on.

Like I said right now my mother is coming over to watch my son while I get ready and head for school hopefully everything will work out the way I wanted to because right now I don't want to have to deal with any b******* that's good to know that my mother has moved on with my step dad he was home with my sisters and everything like that now but our real father still tries to go over and cause trouble but I wish you would stop but like I said at the time I left him he was still there so things are going a bit better but still I wish we were able to get past everything that he tries to do

Louis - Ham on everything he needs is in his room I'll be heading to school right now but I also have to get to work so either I'll be home by 5 from one of my jobs that I have to work both of my jobs and I don't worry so much because Liam said he gets off at 6 so if he has to he'll come out and stay with him until you get home

JoAnn - you see your routine on Wednesdays usually get home by 5 but sometimes you have to work late and when you do have to work late and you know I have to be home by the time Liam will watch Freddie until you get back and if he can't do it  Niall will you always have somebody there to help one of them can't make it I have to be somewhere one of your sisters is old enough to watch him will come and watch him until don't worry we got it covered

Louis - thanks Mom sometimes I wish I could just meet a woman or a man that will love me for me I mean you accept the fact that I'm bisexual and everything which is great I mean my ex girlfriend was bisexual to just see brother party and be the mother she's supposed to be to our son

Joanne - I am so proud that you has stepped up and do the right thing you're being the proper parents and everything and that you got out of her place because her father was an ass and everything started working 2 to 3 jobs and going to University so that only proves that you're a strong person and I'm so proud of the man that you become you're more of a man than your father ever will be

Louis - thanks Mom. The guys waiting for me in for carpooling to School talk to you later he's asleep like I said his bottle and everything and that's ready for him that when he wakes up I want his favorite shows are taped and everything in that plan so I shouldn't be too long when he has a bit of a fever I forgot to mention that so his medication is in the top drawer of my night stand everything that you need to rush whatever all this baby stuff like that even his pacifiers and everything like that is all there so yeah anyway see you later

And with that I left for school and work pretty much my life school work and looking after my son but I wouldn't have it any other way

Liam - hey man you ready to get to school

Louis - yeah I'm ready I heard there was supposed to get a couple of new professors 1 for English and one for history I believe more than that I'm not sure about the other one I'm definitely sure about the English one

Niall - I heard that was supposed to get three new professors and those are just subjects all through that you need so yeah hopefully everything is going to be cool when we get there come on just don't want to be late it's pretty bad when you're studying to be a lawyer it's kind of funny how all 3 of us are studying law

Liam - yeah which is kind of cool thing come on let's hurry up and get out of here as a good thing we're all here if you need help with your kid and everything to man

Louis - ya I know that lets just get out of here and see what is going on

And with that we left I hope that everything will go well why I am at school because when it comes to my love life that's why a non-existent

And with that we left I hope that everything will go well why I am at school because when it comes to my love life that's why a non-existent

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