chapter 2

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Zayn POV

After head to my classroom after getting to know the boys a little more was nice to meet them and everything I got settled and I was glad to learn all the rules and everything and That from Simon I like the new rules about youngsters in their twenties able to date students because there's not much of a big age Gap if you ask me

Soon as I was getting ready to start my first period as Professor the bell rang and all the students started to plan and I noticed that Louis Liam and Niall were in my class what does good to know there's that which is nice to see them all getting ready to go to the back of the room I saw some guy getting ready to believe all three of them. All three of them are openly gay I stopped and then told me he was going to be in my class he better respect his classmates or there's the door and he showed up because he knew it wasn't taking no b*******

And if it turned into this myself to the whole class told him everything about me and even told him I was openly gay myself I respect bisexuals lesbians and everything of that too and gave course there was and they all said that was good but you get the idea and everything like that and I told him to smarten up because if they were in my class they would learn differently now than when they get their grades I told him I was fair but tough which I showed off her really good and the next thing I know I started opening up thing was text talking about what we're going to be doing this first term they were all that late getting into the class I noticed all of a sudden though the Louis got got a text message and by the looks of it it was something very important but he wasn't going to answer because I was in the middle class I looked down and told me I could because it's important by the way his face looked anything like me to check the message and then he asked if he could be excused for a minute and I asked him why and he said it had to do with his son

Louis - can I be excused for an answer because I have a message about my son he's home with the flu and as for my mother she needs to know something very important

Zayn - of course it was regarding your kid go right for it I mean for child health is very important and then you can come right back in after that

Louis - thank you very much cuz he's only a little taller he's not even that one yet he's smaller than that he's still a bit of a baby

Zayn - call if you need you right now go and check and see what your mother wants them you can catch up everything and that if you get a chance to return to class if not I will give your son and everything 20 or two best friends here but you can go check on that right now

And with that he here and right of the classroom because it was very something important I let him check into it to make sure everything was going to be the way it's supposed to be

One of the boys to make fun of him and everything but I've told him to shut up you're going to be acting like that you're going to learn one way or another the difference between respecting your classmates are being over your head. So you shut up right away because he knew I meant business and everything like that so we continue their class and later young Luis came back and finished it turned out his mother just need to know about certain things when I came to the fever because the fever is pretty high so he had to explain more about the medication and everything stuff like that happens of course but she got to go go down so right after he finished English class he got ready to go to his class would just history and then the math class good thing to tell my two best friends and everything like that before you left I told me if I ever needed anything he can come and talk to me like if he needed more time on assignments and stuff because of him being a single parent I said the same thing to anybody in the class for single parents if they need more time because we're doing stuff around their kids is different but other than that I'm not given special treatment to anyone if anybody is handicapped or something like that any more time yes but other than that there's no special treatment being given just if you have special circumstances it's different but other than that classes will be going ahead as normal and no class understood the way I was talking I was being fair I said that in special circumstances for any student will get extra help and stuff like that and they understood but if they never had special circumstances going on at the time and everything would have to be normal and everything like that as the kids are getting ready to leave Simon and came in and said as the way I was talking to my class was very responsible of you thought it was a good way to do that he understands people with special needs to need a little extra help and stuff like that and that goes for everybody in this school and Welfare but talk to you by the sounds of it

Simon - can you see how your first day is going and everything about the same thing things are going really good and you're talking right to those young kids Special circumstances do need extra help and stuff like that but other than that teach them regularly which is a good way to go and and you're offering the special circumstances thing to everybody if they have special circumstances at the time which is understandable which is good and your hair but just by the sounds of things and you're doing the right thing for you and Louis Tomlinson there because that boy works hard because of all of his classes keeps his nose clean and looks after his kid plus he works to three jobs I see how hard he works and everything and then one of them is at a grocery store in the same neighborhood I live in I go shopping there he's won the stock boys then there's another one where he works at the movie theater and then there's another one he works at McDonald's and now he's sending very hard to be a lawyer that kid is on top of everything but the thing is you also get that kid of his look after me and the mother was proven unfit but he got full custody of her so he does everything he can scraping his family helps and his two best friends when they can it was a good thing we have a daycare here at the University for when single parents need to do or any parent know that there still is for that matter and help us out you don't want to meet but it is good to know that other things are going on as well so yeah

Zayn - he's a really good kid and everything by the sounds of things and I don't know why people always put them in put them down and everything I'm back had to stop a few of the boys were picking on him earlier and everything he's really good but what he's doing I think very admirable because to tell you the truth everybody deserves to be put into the right circumstances I mean look at how he's doing he's working and raising his child and going to school so he just wants to have a better life for his kid and I can understand because from what I get from some of the things that hurt him in his friends talking about I didn't say nothin cuz it wasn't my place he had a pretty tough childhood growing up huh

Simon - yeah I can tell that and besides there's several reasons why I know about that one is Mother it was one of my best friends growing up and everything and she tells me everything he's the top of everything he's a tough kid and he knows what he's doing I tell you that kid deserves to be a parent of the Year sometimes I think LOL

And I couldn't have to think that he was right later on I stopped at the grocery store just happened to be the one that Lewis was working at and I was picking up my stuff and Louis noticed me and we're trying to figure out where I can find a certain thing and he asked me if he could help and I told him where I was trying to find and then he send me in the right direction which was good but for some reason I seen some people come and try to push him around again I stopped and listen listen you're my class and everything but it's good thing you're not in school right now because I'd be able to do a lot more but anyway I can get the manager right now if you don't knock it off and they left why do people always have to be so cruel I thought to myself

Zouis WHAT A Feeling Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora