chapter 5

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Louis POV

After we had fished helping Zayn and Harry move into there please I was happy when I left to go back over the line before I left that I gave Zayn and tell him I love him and he said the same because I got a feeling this time he is the one for sure and I can tell that Harry and Liam are definitely hitting it off

Louis - damn you guys were right I did talk to Zayn like you said and now we're together so what do you think about that and I think there's something going on between Harry and Liam what is it

Liam - what me and you are going to get to go to so that's a good thing crazy we're ending up with a couple of our professors

Niall - so strange I'm the odd man out now because I still got to find somebody because you're lucky though

And with that I went back to my falt and thank my sister's for watching my son Freddie for me which was a good thing so now they're on their way back home with Mom and my step dad my dad left when she was good I really wish he'd back off and learn that we don't need him in our lives

I made sure that Freddie was asleep before I went to bed when I got a text from Zayn Saying good night sleep well babe I love you and I text him back and said it back and went to sleep and he said he going to take me and Freddie out tomorrow morning for for breakfast and lunch he wants to spend the day with me and my son so my son can get used to being around him his mother was proven unfit and everything which is the truth

Zayn POV

The next morning I what up cuz I wanted to get ready and go out for breakfast and lunch with my baby and his son so his son didn't feel comfortable around me and it's great to know that I've actually found somebody wants to be with me for the right reasons too and I'm definitely going to do everything to be there for him and I can't get in trouble for dating and everything about the university because of the law and the new rules they have put in which is good

Harry - morning and by the looks of it you're up early to take Luis I would and I'm getting ready to take Liam out

Zayn - yeah but I'm also taking his son to because that way his baby can get used to having me around and that too you know

And he told is mother and stepfather that he dating me and everything and stuff like that and even told him that the new rules at the University and stuff so there's no problems or anything and we're close to the edge I'm only 2 years older it's not really big deal going to be great is that way we won't have no problems when it comes to the school or anything like that

Harry - really good thing that new dating rules are in at the University and everything because that helps out a lot yep and I've noticed a lot of young students and professors there young to be dating each other this is not about an age difference so it makes very good sense if you ask me anyway I think we should go and get our boys we're going to head for a date with them don't you think

Zayn - I couldn't agree more I think this is going to be really good for them I mean they haven't really had a chance to have a break from what I've heard those boys work their butts off I mean  Louis two best friends work extra jobs just to help him out with his kid he works like 3 times and so he don't suspect that his friends are going to help him with everything which is good but they work hard  at all then we've always had his back by the sounds of it

I just hope taht I can make it less stressful that everything for him and be there and help him get through his everyday life because I care for him and I really want to be able to be the one that's going to make his dreams come true even though we just started dating for some reason I just can't seem to take my mind off and on I'm glad that I have him  in my life now

Well I hope everything will be ok when we go out for our day so we can have a good time and everything and not just take our minds off of everything that's going on with his schooling and his work he stressed he needs to have a day of fun once in awhile let's hope everything will go ok and perfect


Liam POV

I am looking forward to going out with Harry today and I hope that everything will be ok and I'm looking forward to it because this is the first time I've ever been in a relationship in a very long time

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