chapter 1

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Louis POV

Me and my friend just got to the University for the first day of classes I hope everything will go ok

Niall - okay I think we should all go get our schedules and everything because this is a new year just our second year in University we want to work hard to get for her you know what I mean

Louis - I know what you mean I have to because if I want to make sure everything is good for me on Freddie Tomlinson I'm going to have to work hard and do the best I can

Liam - we know that makes you work really hard and everything for you and your son that's the best you can do right now but to tell you the truth we got to get to class before we're all in trouble wonder how I was going to go and get to class and see her teachers are

Niall - oh by the way there's a new rule if a professor is only in their twenties they can date someone as a college student because the thing is there's not that big of an age Gap 18 18 or  20 and 21 or 22 or 23 year old that's not a big age difference older said they're sold out and he said it also allowed because it doesn't matter about sexuality either which is good seems like everybody is getting to have their rights these days

Liam- it seems pretty fair this close to your age because I mean that's not too big of an age Gap but I understand what you're saying about the people way up there in age and professors and students not dating each other because that's just plain wrong with me man cause that's a big age Gap LOL

With that we all got ready to head off to class and I had her going to class little did I know that later having meet one of my new professors and he would be close to me and it and come to think of it who would have thought that me and him would fall for each other and it would work within that new rule


Zayn POV

I just arrived at the University where I'm getting ready to start my first day is but that's kind of strange I mean I'm I'm 23 years old and I'm starting out as an English professor but then again I did graduate at the top of my class and everything got really high grades and my best friend have must be 22 is going to be a history teacher hard to believe but we're getting to do this right now which I'm grateful for

Zayn - ready man we gotta hurry up and get going if we want to make it to the office to find out where classes are and everything that we need to teach come on

Harry - yeah I'm right behind you I can't believe we were able to get these jobs but then again when my uncle is the dean it kind of helped

Zayn - we pretty much watched us grow up and everything and hope to get our college degrees and then so yeah good thing I guess come on let's hurry up we want to get to where we have to go with it it will be have to do me your ticket history and I'm teaching English and my friend Gigi is teaching math

What we started walking towards the office as we were doing this this one guy getting shoved into his locker and being called names and everything like that I wanted to the guys in the back off of the Loom guys than me but can you do that you just have a college dude like me I was on the conference on the way your new professors and then he ran

Zayn - okay guy

Louis - young find me and my three best friends were just on our way to the office to get our schedules and everything those are jerks they like to pick on everybody around here because if they know that you're a different sexuality or anything like that yes they really like to try and make your life a living hell thanks for that by the way I don't know the reason why they pick on me because I'm a single father on top of it so you shouldn't have lied to you about my problems and that is just one of those days I guess

Zayn - trust me all of those type of days anyway since you're okay we can follow you to the office to tell you the truth we don't know where we need to go over a brand new to this school need to get everything we need anyway then we have to find out where classrooms are there were teaching him on the new English professor and this is my friend who's the new history professor and other friend she should be meeting up today and she is the new math professor

Louis - well I can show you the way to the office because that's where I'm going right now my friends just stopped in there to the bathroom they're coming out there now and you can follow us

As soon as the guys frinds came out we followed them to the office because I thought it'd be a good way to learn where to fit in everything around here it's nice to know that I actually can fit in there and push forward something tells me that there's a lot going on in this kid's life if he needs help from faster than anything I'm definitely going to be one of the ones that it will help them that's just the type of person I am because I've learned some stuff from hard drive to a point sometimes you just gotta push forward

Zayn - forgot to ask you your name kid

Louis - my name is Louis Tomlinson and these are my friends Liam Payne and Niall Horan we're all taking the same thing we're taking  law need to know some English and everything and stuff so yeah hopefully everything will go right the way you want it more than likely will probably end up having you guys for our teachers to those part of our requirements also I'm on the football team and everything here at 2 part of the reason why you have to go here cuz I got a scholarship to do that so I really have to keep my grades up

Zayn - find a teaching you guys anything I'll help you guys keep your grades up and stuff because that's just the type of person that I am anyway I think we should hurry up if we're going to get to the office so everybody can get to the areas they're supposed to be and I guess

As we were walking off and heading to the office I had a feeling that something was really happy about this kid and I had to feel and I really want to help him so I can drop him for some reason wonder why anyway who knows it could be a little bit I know that years down the road me and him will be married do you listening ever tell you the story I guess

Zouis WHAT A Feeling حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن