Epilogue: My Forever

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1 Year Later
Alessa's P.O.V

I stared blankly at the plastic tube within my hand. My mind going into a state of numbness as I failed to comprehend the truth in front of me.

Sighing, I closed my eyes as I quickly stood up, stuffing the evidence into my bag before I hurried from the toilet.

My heart pounded against my chest as I spotted Alonso leaning against a wall outside the store. His eyes quickly switching to mine as his familiar smile spread across his face.

"You did it?" He asked lowly once I was close enough for him to throw his arm across my shoulders, bringing me close.

I swallowed slowly before nodding," Yea," I muttered, before we gained on his car. The lamp posts switching on as night fell, reflecting of the dark sleek machine. Quickly sliding into the leather seat I rested my head heavily against the head rest.

"So, I'm guessing from your reaction," he pondered as he slipped into the car, quickly brining the expensive engine to life.

"I'm pregnant," I finished for him, the truth finally setting like concrete within my mind.

I'm pregnant.
With Angelo's child...

My lips pursed as a thousand thoughts ran through my head. Was I going to be a good mother? What if I can't handle motherhood? What if Angelo isn't ready to be a father yet?

I felt Alonso's hand grip mine as I felt myself relax slightly underneath his reassuring grip.

"Don't worry," he reassured in a soft tone, "Trust me when I say Angelo will be more than happy." Glancing over he sent me a quick wink causing me to smile slightly.

Smiling, I began feel the excitement bubble up inside. The thought of having a child. Being a family with Angelo, it had always been our dream. I thought of the looks he or she could inherit. Angelo's deep piercing deep blues or my emerald greens. Whether, she or he,would have the Dimitri stubbornness and cockiness. Or my passionate drive for goals and ambitions. I felt a wistful sigh pass my lips as I imagined our future child.

This year had gone swiftly. From Angelo asking me to get married, the ceremony being nothing  it enchanting and perfect. There was also partnership of the Mafia between Alonso and Angelo.

But, I could tell that Alonso wasn't exactly happy with his point in life at the moment. Ali left to go back home unexpectedly, leaving no explanation why she did so, quickly changing the topic when I tried to ask or inquire about it. But I could tell whenever she came up in conversation it hit a nerve for Alonso, the hidden yet broken expression that crosses his face saddens me. I hoped they both fix whatever is going on  between them, soon.

I let out a slow breath of air as we pulled up to our house. I quickly sent a thankful smile to Alonso before sliding out the car, the crunch of gravel beneath my feet echoing across the driveway as I gained on the house. I watched Alonso pull away as his bright headlights disappeared into the distance.

Fiddling with my bag, I finally managed to dig up my keys, fumbling to open the door as anxiousness clawed at my mind once again.

Finally stumbling through the door, I kicked off my shoes before setting down my handbag. The familiar smell of spices filled the house in a sweet aroma as I recognised the scent of Angelo's cooking.

Smiling to myself, I headed towards the kitchen the sound of humming echoing through the room as I gained on the wide doorway.

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