Chapter 9: Go Dark

Start from the beginning

Ray: - I nodded my head, as we got out. I had my arm wrapped around her waist. as we walked towards the entrance of the hospital. - " I hope…..He's ok….." - I said lowly, a gust of cold wind blew as we both pressed over body closes together.-

We both looked around, as we walked towards the emergency room. We saw Keke there, with a lady, I'm guessing his mom. She had on a scrub and a id tag. Keke looked up as she wiped her tears away. Zendaya and I both went up, introducing ourselves to her. As we sat across from them. We watched as his mom walked away. 

Keke: - She looked at us, shaking her head. - " I don't understand……" - She said calmly. - " I trusted her so much, I should've listened to Craig when he said she was lying……." - Zendaya got up from next to me, as she went over. Hugging Keke, rubbing on her back. - 

Zendaya: " Its ok……He'll be fine, he's strong….." - She said, as I looked down at the ground. - " Alexis seemed bad news from the start….."  - Zendaya added. -

Keke: " Craig and I almost went 3 weeks without talking, after the whole thing…." - She said, I guess her emotions were getting the best of her. - "….She told me about the halloween party, how Craig got drunk and threw himself upon her. She said she was tipsy as well….And it just happened….." - I looked up. -

Ray: " Thats not possible though, because how could Craig put back on his costume that fast…..Let alone her? " - I blurted out, looking up. -

Keke: - She shrugged. - " When I asked him, he denied it, but Alexis showed me a picture she found in her phone of them…." - She let out a huge sigh. - " Me and her stopped hanging out after that, Craig seemed crushed…..Maybe because I'm stupid and didn't believe my bestfriend….." - She started to tear up again. - " Now he's in the hospital, unconscious……"

I got up, as I walked away. Not saying a word. I walked towards the snack area, I couldn't deal with it. How could someone be so manipulative, selfish. That they'd ruin a good relationship, a friendship to be with someone else. I leaned against the wall. Breathing in deeply and exhaling, as I closed my eyes. I cleared my mind, as I walked back over. Seeing the other four walk in, I made eye contact with Jacob. As we both glared at each other, I didn't back down. As he did a little smirk, then running his fingers through his hair. As he kissed Jasmine on the cheek.

I walked towards them, as I sat back down across from Keke and Zendaya, while the other four sat around the waiting area.

Rod: " Hey guys….." - He said calmly, as he sat down, wrapping his arm around Tinashe. He hesitated for a bit, as he looked down. Then up. - " Uh….Any word yet? " - You could feel the heavy emotions in the atmosphere, as Keke shook her head no. - " Oh….."

Tinashe: " I'm going to go to the gift shop….Rodrick want to go? " - She asked him, as she nodded his head. Getting up, I watched as the two walked away. -

Jacob: " Well, we're here for you Keke…Some more then others…." - He said giving me a quick look, as he looked back towards Keke. He picked up the rosary that was hanging around his neck, as he closed his eyes. Then kissing it. - " I just said a prayer for him….."

Keke: " Thanks Jacob….." - She said, as she sniffed some. - " Thank you all for being here….." - She said, as she looked around at the four of us. - " I'm sure his Mom appreciates it as well….."

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