What do I do?

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(hi guys i changed a few things in the chapter before this one. I decided to take out the part where Zayn records Niall and Liam because after i reread it it seemed a little creepy and Zayn is not creepy in my story soooooo... yea :D)


What do I do? Why did Zayn have to leave me here alone with Liam? I am completely flustered and the last person i want to be around is Liam. The one that i love. 

What if i do something and i mess everything up. So many thing are in my head and i have no way of answering them. Maybe I should go back to my flat. it was quite. me nor Liam said a word just sat there in silence. It was akward and all i did was close my eyes and put my head in my hands.  

"You okay Niall?'' was all i heard and I snapped out of my thought on to see Liam in my face only inches apart.

"UHH uH.  Yea... im fine." was all I could say. He was so close to me. I love him so much, But I can"t tell him, he will just run and leave me. 

"I do to." was all i heard. Then i felt a pair of lips on mine and I realized that those lips were Liams. Did i say that out loud? I didn't care at the moment because at this moment i just wanted Liam. I Began to kiss him back then our movement started to become a little more heated then needed to be. We both pulled back and decided to catch our breathe. All i could do was smile.

"What?" Liam said with a blush to his cheeks. 

"I love you.. Liam James Payne, so much, you dont know how long i have been waiting to do that." I said with one breathe of air feeling my face become hot once more from embarrassment .

"I love you too." Liam said connecting his lips to mine once more but this kiss was different it was slow and full of lust. He pulled away once more and rested his forehead against mine and smiled while looking in my eyes.

Then out of no where the door opens. both of our heads look to see who it is. It was Harry and Louis. I have never felt my face get more red when it did. just seeing them together made me embarrassed. Not only that but Liam was basically on top of me.   

"uhhh....ummm." was all I could even get to come out of my mouth. I just looked at Harry and Louis. They both looked at Liam and I with a grin plastered on there faces. 

"o ..I see so Liam told you how he felt about you?" Harry said coming into the studio, with Louis at his side. I looked over to see Liam looking down more red them me. Was he embarrassed? 

"umm..." was all i could say.

Liam looked back up at me and realized he was still on top of me and decided to get off . We both got of the floor and I couldn't even look at Harry or Louis.

" Why are you guys acting so weird?'' asked Louis walking over towards us. I back up just a little. 

"okay???" Louis said.

 We all looked back over to the door to none other to see Zayn walking in the studio.

It was silent. so quiet and i didnt know what to do.

"ummm." zayn said looking down.

"OKAY SOMEONE NEED TO TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON...NOW " Louis said to all of us which cause us to look up at them. I couldnt take it anymore.

"YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS WRONG EVRYTHING IS WRONG RIGHT NOW." i said , all of the boys looked at me like i wasnt me anymore, like i was someone else.

" Liam, zayn and I woke up this morning to come down to the studio to put all of our solos together for our song that BY THE WAY STILL NEED TO BE FINISHED, and all we find is a recording of you and Harry having sex in the studio in none othr than that chair over there. That is what is wrong Louis. And on top of that i just got a confession from a guy i have been in love with for a very long time" i said in one short breathe, i covered my mouth when i was done because i couldnt beleive what i had managed to say 

All the boys looked at me with surprised faces.Harry and Louis shared glances and became really red in the face. 

"so how long has this been going on?" i asked "between you too?"

"since we were put together in a band on x-factor." said harry and louis in sink causing them both to smile at eachother.  All of our faces dropped. Mine liams and zayns. 

" why didnt you tell us mate, i mean like we knew you guy liked eachother but common you could have  trusted us, and we like wouldnt have cared." stated zayn

"Sorry .... you had yo ... ummm. find ... out the way you guys did." said harry.

Remembering what harry just meant i was completly blushed and looked down and then i saw lima who was looking at me.  Which cause me to turn a new color of red if that was possible.

"Since you know how I feel niall i can say this, you just look so damn cute when your embarrassed!" said liam looking at me. I thought i was going to faint from embarrassment. 

"Weeeelllllll i have a date, i just came down here to see if anything happened between Niall and Liam cause they both seemed really flustered, so yea im gunna gooooo." said Zayn

"Wait you knew and you left us alone? Liam and I?" i asked zayn 

"yep, you can thank me later , b ut i really have to go i have a date with perrie adnd im gunna be late. Bye." said zayn and with that he was gone. 

"SO you guys are okay with us being with eachother??" asked louis.

"Yea mate just, can you please not have,....um... sex in the studio?" asked Liam who was still a little blushed.

"Deal." said harry.

"I need a breather so im gunna go to my flat.." i said walking out trying to forget what i heard. What if that could be me and liam ? No, stop thinking like that. You just found out that he loves you dont try and rush things. I reach my flat and once i walk in, i lean on the door and fall to the floor.

That when i hear a knock. On my door.


I am so sorry my skittles. 

I havent updated in forever and i understand if you are upset with me. I have been so tangled up at school and trying not to fail but it not working out so well.

And on top of that i got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled at the same time, ND the pain is reall . i havent been to school in thee days so i thought it would be a good time to update since i had som free time. I will upload the next chapter today. maybe even two. so please continue to read. 

-skittle queen-

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