what just happened

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-Liam p.o.v-

i can t believed he just kiss me. i started to make my way to the kitchen where Niall was making his breakfast. he seemed to be out of it so i moved right next to him, he jumped and i jumped because he had jumped.

"why did you jump" i asked Niall. He looked at me like he was sad 

"are you okay Niall?" I asked him when i didn't get a responded to my earlier question.

"I'm okay Li...... Just don't know what to make for breakfast and i jumped because i didn't realize that you were right next to me until I looked up at you Sorry mate." he said he said it like it was a lie but I didn't bother with it. 

"Then ill make something for both of us" i said with a smile. he seem to be back to same old Niall after I said that. He smiled at me, i had decided to make two breakfast sandwiches. i made Nialls first because he was staring at me like he was going to eat me if i didn't hurry up and make it. I mad his and decided to mess with him.

I put both of the sandwiches i made into a baggy and held in my hand.Naill looked at me with sad eyes.

"can i have it please????? LIIIIIIIAAAAAAAMMMMM" he said which lead into a wine. 

"yes" he lit up like i was an angel. "after we get in to the studio." i finished my sentence and he looked sad and tried to pull the puppy dog look at me and all i did was turn my head because we needed to get to the studio and put the solos together and we couldn't waste anymore time, mainly wasting time eating food.

Both Niall and I walked out of my flat and went to the studio. He started to walk slowly and every he did I would raise the sandwiches to where he could see them and he would pick up is pace just to see them with me. He was staring at them the entire time.

"now you can have it." i said walking in the studio doors and him following me in after me. He had sat down on the couch in the studio just smiling at me while I gave him the sand which. he happily took it from me and with out another word he was eating it like he hadn't eating in week . All i could do was laugh and started to eat mine as well.

"LIIIIILIIIIII!" I heard and looked over at Niall who was done with his food.

"Yes?" i asked. 

"I'm still hungryyyyy!" he said and then i knew what he was going to ask next he was going to ask for some of mine. He knew it because he got up then same time i did. 

"no." i said flatly with a smile taking a victory bite from my sand which. 

He started to chase me and i simply just tried to out run him. we kept running around the couch and both of us were laughing in the process. He had jump over the couch and try to get my food but then remembering that i was taller then him all i did was out my arms out of his reach. I decided to have some fun. He tried to jump for it but couldn't retrieve it at first. It was just to cute seeing him like this. he soon stopped and looked so sad. I felt bad. I slowly brought my food down looked at it and gave it to him. 

"thank you Lili." he said happily walking back to the couch eating the sand which. 

"HELLLLOOOO!" i heard only to see Zayn sitting in front of the controls in the studio.

"when did you get here Zayn??" i asked.

"When you and Niall were chasing each other around the couch. You know he pulled that face just for the food?" i looked over at Niall who still didn't realize that Zayn was here. He was just smiling away.

"Yea i know. Ha, but that's Niall for you." i said 

-Niall P.o.v-



-Zayn P.o.v.-

I had woke up pretty early for someone to sleep in alot. It was only around 7. That is what I get for going to bed right when I get home last night. 

I dont want to get up i was to cozy. But i have to pee so bad.

" I am in controll! I do not have to use the bathroom!.............DAMMIT!.'' i said out loud.

I ran to the bathroom as quickly as I could. After i used the bathroom i went to make something to the kitchen and fixed me some breakfast. i made some eggs and toast, i'm not that hungry. I finished making my breakfast and I decided to sit in my loaf and watch something on the telly before I started to get ready and go to the studio and put the rest of the solos together. i looked at the clock next to my seat, it was still pretty early so i decided to watch play some music and clean up a little.

I got up and went in to the kitchen and and did the dishes, and cleaned the floors. I noticed some thing out of the side of my eye and say a pic on the counter in my kitchen. It was a picture of me and the boys when we were in x factor and we just got put into a group. I smiled cause of what Niall said the first time we meet. 

Flash back

"Hi i'm Liam, i'm Louis,i'm Niall,i'm Harry,'' they all said one after the other. i stood there for a second. I was so emmbarresed. They were all able to just acted cool and outgoing and im this guy who didn't want to get up for this show until my mom made me get up. 

"I'm ....Zayn." I said. They all looked at me like I was from a different area. Then Niall spoke up as random as he could be at the time and said something about liking louis shoes so we should talk about them and how he liked how he dressed and that we should dress like him aswell. I think that this isn't going to be that hard getting along with these lads.

End of flash back

I came back to reality when i heard my clock go off in my room. i walked in my room and turned off my alarm. It was 9:30 am now. I decided to take a shower and get ready to head down to the studio. I got out and put some grey chinos on and a red polo shirt on and some normal back shoes to waer down stairs.

I got all my things together and walked out of my flat and locked it on my way out. It is such a nice day out. I walked down to the studio and was at the door when i heard laughing. it was Niall and Liams laugh i could tell anywhere.

I walked in to see Liam running around the sofa and NIall going after him.

"What are you lads doing?" i asked, but i didnt get a response. They both just continued to chase one another around and around. I tried to get there attention but nothing worked. i just walked over the the chair in frount of the control panel for recording stuff. I sooned realized that Niall was chasing Liam be cause he has food in his hand. I laughed to myself because watching the situation was quite amusing to see.

Liam thought of something evil to do because you could see the look in his eye and then he stopped wear he stood and just put his arm up. He was taller then Niall so he thought that might work and make Niall let him eat his food in peace. But Niall can  juat higher then all four of us. But he didn't try to hard because he just looked at Liam with sad eyes. Liam looked at NIall like.... He loved him you could say. Liam will do anything for NIall now that I think about it. 

"Hello? Do you lads even know that im here?" i said but still..... nothing. I was getiing really annoyed now. I watch Liam as he looked at Niall and slowly started to bring his arm down and give Niall his food. Niall looked at Liam like he was an angel and he happily took the food like nothing and he started to walk to the couch

"thank you Lili," niall said.

"HELLLLLOOOOO!" I screamed.

Liam looked at me surprised.

"When did you get here Zayn?" Liam asked me.

"when you to were chasing eachother around the couch. You know he pulled that face just for the food." I stated

Liam slowley started to looked at Niall, who still didn't realize that I was even here.

"yea I know but that's Niall for you." he said plainly while he looked at him.





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