So close

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"They really are fools if they think they're getting my little Rainbow....." The figure starts walking towards the glass box with the 'DNA' sample. Everyone that was in the camera room watches, as soon as they could get a look on him, the cameras went black. "Oh no, the cameras! Something isn't right! I think someone sabotage them. Fell call the three and tell them." He nods and calls Error. Lucky for him, it was on vibrate so he picks up. "What?!" He whispers as Fell explains the situation.

"The cameras were sabotaged, you need to find out who it is and stop them."

"Ok." Another sign of luck, the other two heard that and nods. The figure looks at the case and inspects it. Chuckling evilly, his hand glows yellow and electric blue as the 'DNA sample' bursts out of the case and into his pocket. "Too easy...."

"Who said it was!" The destroyer yells as the trio, Error, Fresh and Reaper pops out of their hiding places. Turning around with a wicked smile, he chuckles. "Well well well..... look who joined the party..... A glitch, a broken heart and a freak..... that's such an interesting combo isn't it?"

"Where's Ink?! What did you do to him?!"

"Oh nothing at all~ But one thing for sure is that you're not getting him back!"

"I don't think so!" Shooting his strings, the thief's hand glows again and a shield protects him from the strings.

"You better try harder than that Glitch!" Now that pissed the destroyer off and he keeps shooting his strings with rage and fury. Yawning, he just looks at them then lifts all the glass in that room and launches it at then with magic. "Hope you don't break the glass!" They dodge as Reaper takes out his scythe and runs towards him. Wickedly smiling, the thief shoots goo at him, the reaper slice through them then slices the goo-shooter. Dodging, he shoots black goo at him again, his scythe was on the floor will he was struggling in goo that covered his torso. "I knew it would be easy since you're heartbroken and weak." The skeleton of death glares and growls at him. Fresh throws a few bones, the thief dodges easily and shoots at him. He teleports away from the attacks and summon 3 gaster blasters at him. He jumps, dodges, spins, turns and glides them flawlessly. He then does the same to him like he did to Reaper. It was all up to Error to stop this their. Looking eye to eye, the eyes were precise and quick. Error launches strings at him with out hesitation while the other dodges. Smiling wickedly, he gets closer and closer as he moves from the strings. "How about you be more precise glitch!" Now, the figure was laughing maniacally and was enjoying this. To him, it seemed like a game but to the others, it wasn't. It was more than a game and was worse. Jumping, he glides over the strings and punches the destroyer in the face. He falls over as the other lands on his feet. The destroyer discovers that he was goo-ed too. "Damnit!"


"Well then...."

"You guys are in over your heads." The thief chuckles darkly again. "You guys are getting deeper and deeper into things...... deeper than you think. I suggest letting me have my 'happy ending'."

"What is wrong with you?!"

"Let's just say, I had an explosive past. See ya!" And just that, he left as they all struggle to get out of the goo. They didn't find out who he was and where's Ink. Failure, they all sighs. "Looks like we gained nothing."

"Nothing but an butt-whooping."

"No dip Sherlock." The rest rushes in, when they came, they were too late. "Oh my gosh! Are you guys ok!"

"Well we got our butts kicked so besides that, yes..."

"Are you serious?! I would have payed to see that fight!" Everyone looks at Fell. "What? You guys would want to see it too."

"Never minding Goldie locks, you guys seemed to be....... goo-ed...." Pointing to the slim that was on them.

"Yes...." Then suddenly, the goo melts off and onto the floor. Confused and shocked, they get up. "What the....? Sci my homeslice, please explain this."

"W-Well I don't know but I could examine it. Maybe learn something."

"Oh my dowg, do th-" Before her could finish his sentence, Error rages.

Deeper than darkness- spinoff (To Creator of Destruction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora