Chapter 26 - We Need To Feed

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We've been running for at least two hours and making good time at that when Elodie pulls up short. Christian and I shoot past her in a blur, but when we realize that she isn't moving we both backtrack to where she's now standing with Sophie. Her daughter looks worn, her eyes have dark indents under them that look like burgeoning bruises.

"She needs to eat." Elodie tells Christian and I. "And I do too."

"We all do." He responds, his voice grave.

"I'm pretty hungry myself." Gideon pipes up as he crawls off my back, his joints cracking against the cold night air. "And dizzy."

Gideon plops down on his butt and Sophie rushes to his side, a move that steals both Elodie and Christian's immediate attention. A low growl is building in Christian's chest as he watches his daughter check to see if Gideon is feeling alright.

Yikes, this trip is becoming more drama than a bad reality TV show.

"Can you guard Sophie and Gideon?" Christian asks turning to Edlodie. "Bea and I can hunt up some food and bring it back here."

"Uh, what kind of food are we talking?" Gideon pipes up from the forest floor.

Yeesh, he's even paler than I am at this point, I should have noticed. And he has a good point, whatever we kill he wont be able to drink its blood, meaning he's going to slowly starve.

"You'll have to cook the meat of whatever we bring back." Christian says dismissively.

"Dad?" Sophie asks looking up at Christian. "If we build a fire we could be spotted out here."

Man, it is going to be super weird hearing her call him dad.

"Shit." Christian spits angrily into the dark. "We'll figure something out."

"There's got to be a house our something around here I can borrow a few food items from." I volunteer, feeling terrible that I didn't notice my friend was wasting away on my back.

"C'mon." Christian says with a grin. "Been a while since we hunted together."

We rush off into the inky cover of night, leaving Elodie, Sophie, and Gideon alone. It doesn't feel good to leave my mark exposed like this, but if we don't feed soon, we might turn on him.

The forest is rife with night life, all around us are the sounds of nocturnal animals beginning their nightly prowl...just like us. Christian pauses to sniff the air a slow grin building on his lips.

"I know what I'm hunting." He tells me.

I know what it is too. The musty odor hit my nostrils a second after his, there's a bear near by, probably hibernating this late in the year.

"You should go hunt for human food." He says playfully.

"You say it like it's some sort of dirty word." I tease back.

"Well, he's the reason we're all in this mess." He replies, not able to keep the venom from his joke.

"No." I tell him grimly before turning on my heel to rush towards the smell of firewood I've detected on the wind. "I am."

It's true that Gideon is an unfortunate casualty of this risk I'm taking, but it's my fault we're fighting for his life. I've put so many in danger just because I decided to ask questions, and while I speed towards the tiny cottage that's beginning to emerge on the horizon, I can feel the guilt of my decision knowing at my gut.

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