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My head throbbed and I was reluctant to open my eyelids, but it had to be done, once I opened my tired eyes. Blurred spots of images filled my field of vision looking up at the ceiling grey and concrete.

where was I?

What happened after the fight? I shake my head slowly to get my scratchy memories back. None came.

Great just great. I laid in a bed —a pretty old one, from the worn down  asylums— stark white sheets covered my whole body minus the head which rested on a rock like pillow.

I should probably check my surroundings,  I had to stand up even if my body contradicts my intentions so I can get to see my room.

I lifted up my cranium just a bit, I was half way from completely sitting straight until something constricted my movements originating from my arms. I slip off the linen to reveal my wrists and ankles, been bolted down to cold metal chains on my brazed skin, stinging me like wasps when I tried to wriggle out just to make sure if I could've escaped, I clenched my teeth, feeling the sting on cold metal against skin. Balling my hands into fists to ease the pain for just a while longer.

I still wore my clothes from yesterday.....was it yesterday or the day after that? I won't know later on if stay in this room. And it appears that my injuries have healed from the first actual fight with a ghoul. Well, I might be lucky.

My blood had dried but it was still visible with a black crimson tint on certain areas. The only thing I can see is that the whole in my stomach had closed up leaving it to a small scar. As for the lacerations and scratches have disappeared entirely.

But, where was I really?

Now that I surveyed my small area called; jail. Judging from the rough stone gray walls and floor and how dark it was I'm guessing a basement or a asylum for the mentally ill.

I hope it's a basement, please be a basement.

A door, I hadn't seen before opened, slowly admitted a woman accompanying with a yellowish flashing light. Wearing a frown and a barista's regular work clothes, indigo short hair that hid the right side of her young face. It couldn't be her...

"..Touka..chan?" I said, with disbelief in my voice just to make sure.

"Who gave you the right to call me by my name?" Her voice dark and evil aura surrounded the lighted room "Yoshikawa, do you know why you're here?"

I dropped my gaze biting my lower lip, unable to keep my confidence from before


"Well, its about your little stunt with Nishiki the other day" a smirk crossed Touka's face, placing her hand to her hip.

"Is he..."

"No he's not dead," How could she know what I had to say? Am I really that readable? "That lucky bastard, I could have finished him of at that time but, Yomo wouldn't let me" she scoffed off.

"Why am I here Touk-" She threw a dagger side glance, her piercing stare could've killed me, I gulped to see those menacing eyes "Kirishima"

"The Manager said that I should look out for you but," her features soften to a small smirk "You didn't need it, seeing as its you won a fight with Nishiki-"

"Kirishima, why am I here" I shot up the only question that was in my thoughts raising my once hung low head. "And why do I have this?" I questioningly gestured the chains on my wrists clanking in the process.

"After your so called battle with that damn Nishiki, you went into frenzy mode"

"Frenzy mode?" I repeated once again, my mind seemed to spin.

"You tried to eat the boy you were with" She casually added.

As the words sunk in, my eyes widen to hear that girl say the  horrifying news, could he have been.. Dead right now?
Lying in a corner, his body getting colder by the minutes, I've spent with this girl.

"..Hide.." My voice uneven and shaky but tried to speak once more, "Where was the man I was with?" Full on concern drove me to a corner. Scared for what, turn of events had happened. I will never forgive myself for killing a person... Again. My reckless actions have caused many things I've regretted, I don't want to happen. Not this time.

She rolled her eyes in reply, "He's alive don't panic half ass, now you need to get out of here" Touka  strides towards me, her heels clicking on the cold floor, whilst fishing out a metal key from her apron.

In a matter of minutes the cuffs — now have gone but leaving, pink imprints had been imprinted on my wrists. Just how tight was my did they tie me up? I rubbed it gently to ease the redness.

"C'mon let's go," Touka said, now on the other side of the door her back facing me. Wow, she's quick how could she get there so fast?

"The Manager is waiting for you"


Well my readers, sorry for the short chap.
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Oh and also, just wanted you guys to know the I've entered a book writing contest, on @AnimeThemeBook where you join the competition or something.....So anyways guys

Wish me luck, and support is much appreciated!😊
Bye-bye! (Again)

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