2 |What Didnt Happen part 2

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In the vibrant lighted streets of the 20th ward, two colleagues crossed an intersection making their way to a very known café.

Yuna blew a puff of air, her nose shone a tinge of red, probably from the cold midnight air. Even though it was noisy and crowded, the teens remained silent. Yuna held the the black haired male's arm too tight. They continue to stroll down the path.

"Oh..." Her lips tug in a smile "Its been years since I've been here," She survey the worn down shops and old streetscapes "Nothing changed much."

Kaneki chuckled to Yuna's observation "It's the 20th ward, nothing really big happen here, that I know of."

The boy said silently, whilst secretly blushing. Uncomfortable thoughts ran through his head. Why in the world is she talking to me? I was invisible during our years in highschool, how could it be that she is talking to me?!

"Hey Kaneki," Yuna stopped suddenly as she pointed to a recognizable building whilst she still held the reddening male's hand "We're here."

A very noticeable awkward grin crossed his pale face, she dismissed it completely."S-So we are."


The small golden bell to the entrance of the cafe chimed in admitting, two young adults — Yuna and Kaneki — as they slowly found their seats sitting across each other thus ordering their drinks to the tired looking waitress. As the night became older, few to no patrons appeared. There were only two customers at that accompanying a barista moment.

A pair of students, a couple of adolescents, maybe the possible item? Who knows...

Minutes ticked by, no one said a word, a vacuum sucked the voice inside the boy known as Kaneki Ken. He tried to grasp any thing to ease the tension that was forming, like boiling water getting hotter by the second.


"Hmm?" She gazed up to him, her shocking azure eyes shone curiously.

"So Yuna, where have you been since graduating from highschool?"  Kaneki looked indirectly at Yuna, he can't believe that he was talking to his high school crush, for once in a long time.

"After we graduated, I went abroad with my aunt to finish my studies there.." Yoshikawa sipped her brown coffee as a pause before continuing "I returned in autumn, for a little vacation.

Kaneki, tapped his fingers unto the round table. Still uneasy by this predicament or was is the fact...that he hadn't seen her in a long period of time.

"So.." Yoshikawa started to ask a more safer question because she also sensed the forming tension "By the way where's Hideyoshi? I remember you two being close friends.v

"I think he's probably somewhere looking for ghoul cases and what not." The teenage boy propped up his hand, resting his chin to the balls of his palm, 

He stared up to the window pane beside him, somewhat lost in a little bubble "Hope, he's alright though." Mild tension silence enveloped them once more.

Yuna grasped the bottom of her white dress shirt. Thinking of another good conversation starter.

"Oh, his somewhere of again looking for ghouls and what not"
Kaneki was distantly looking at the window. Stiff silence between the two. A sly smile curled up to her toned face — something popped in her head — a mischievous idea surfaced.

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