4|The boy's Frustration or Heart break

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Where could she be?" Kaneki looked through window, the night sky was now taking over Tokyo's skyline.

With glance at his wrist watch. For the 13th time he checked the time. It was past six fifty five, a couple more minutes before seven and Yuna still hasn't showed up. She didn't even call or texted if their date was canceled. Great sadness washed over him, contemplating , if this was a joke or not.

The raven haired boy slumped to his chair, gazed again at the darkening sky the loomed over the bright, shinning city of Tokyo own. Still waiting for their date. That will never come.

"Sir, who are you waiting for?" The purple haired waitress asked Kaneki as still looked over the window. The back of his hand supported his chin. The young waitress tapped Kaneki's shoulder. Young Kaneki Ken looked at the waitress, with his forlorn grey orbs.

"I'm waiting for some one" he said,placing his knuckles on his chin as if praying to give him a sign of some sort, then stared again at the gloomy horizon of the city. Another hour passed as Kaneki waited for Rize now. He had given up on seeing Yuna assuming she just played him. But as time passed Rize was a no show too.

Touka the purple haired waitress just sat at the counter following Kaneki's movements. Kaneki sighed heavily, Stood from his chair taking out his bag and walked silently out of Anteiku. And went home alone

Two weeks has passed since that set up with Yuna and Rize no show. It was know 8:56 am in the morning. Kaneki was now at his apartment, laying on his bed staring blankly into the ceiling and gazed at his phone. It was a school day..but he didn't bother to go.

Zero messages

Kaneki was not surprised. He had few contacts to begin with, the only contacts he had was Hide, Yuna and some of his classmates from school who he barely talked to.

"I need to talk two her, I just want closure." he said to himself and dialed the call button on his phone The contact he was calling was Yuna.

It took three rings before she answered.

"Hello?" it wasn't Yuna's voice that was on the other line it—Kaneki's eyes widen in surprise.

A woman possibly in her late twenties.

"Who's this?" A jolt of panic came to Kaneki. What if something terrible had happened to Yuna and he was just was mopping at home, not knowing what was truly happening. He felt disgusted at himself. The person did not answer, so he was the one to pursue the conversation.

"Hello ma'am? Where's Yoshikawa Yuna" Kaneki was holding back a scream, he didn't want to scare the lady but he was afraid for what had happened to girl.

"Yes, thank god someone picked up, we've been trying to call any of her relatives but she doesn't have any on her contacts, only you. Yoshikawa Yuna, has been caught up by tragic accident. She's already been operated on and is now out of the ICU" The nurse informed him..in a grave manner tone.

His eyes widen, by the sound of the heavy news. She's..been caught in accident yet I hadn't had a clue..He shakes his head to dismiss the imminent guilt bubbling up.

"W-What's the name of the hospital ma'am " Kaneki croaked as he pulled out his coat from the rack and taking his bag from his study table.

"Ah.. its Kanou General hospital, and Sir what relationship are you with the patient?" The woman asked as Kaneki locked his apartment.

Kaneki paused for a while, thinking who he was really with Yuna a friend? a colleague or another type of friend.

It took a minute before he responded

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