28• Cranks

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Newt's POV.

The fire on the stick I was holding gave me enough light to keep the monsters away from me. I heard people choking and I knew people were dying. Faith was screaming in pain but none of the things were even near her.

We were being slaughtered down and we were very out numbered. I waved the fire around and saw in the distance Hope lying on the ground with an ugly crazy person on top of her, it's hands wrapped around her throat tightly.

My heart pounded in my chest as her eyes started to close. I felt my feet move as I raised my foot and kicked it's head making it fall off of Hope. It got up very quickly while Hope was coughing.

I felt a massive weight lift off of my shoulders knowing she will be okay. But the thing charged at me, I raised the fire and it backed up holding it's eyes. It seemed to be the light they hated.

That's why they came out at night time. I lifted Hope off of the ground and held her close to my chest. People were still dying. We had no chance. Faith was still screaming from her wrist. Then I saw her get up. Her tattoo was lighting up brighter than ever.

A massive light shined out of her sun tattoo that lit up the entire section. I saw everything, Hope did to. Many were either dead, unconscious or still fighting the creatures that were screeching and backing away.

The light from Faith's wrist was blinding to even me. I shielded my eyes and Hope turned her head into my chest.

Everyone who was still standing saw it. When all of the creatures were far far away the light stopped and Faith dropped to the ground huffing as the tattoo glowed down.

It took me a few seconds to process what had just happened. Hope and Destiny were the first to react. They ran to Faith's side helping her stand up.

I heard many people coughing and groaning. I saw four boys who were builders and slicers standing there, I ordered them to get as much light as they could set up everywhere.

It didn't take long till I could see everything.  There was 9 bodies. I didn't know if they were all dead. I checked to see who they were and if they were alive.  Chuck and Minho were lying next to each other.

Fear welled in me as I looked at the two. My best friend and I boy who I saw as like a younger brother. I felt tears rush out of my eyes as I hoped they weren't dead.

Minho had blood all over him, but I cordon find the source. Chuck looked like a massive chunk of his leg and stomach were ripped out. I started to gag at the sight. There was blood everywhere.

I couldn't look at Chuck, I knew he was dead he had lost way too much blood. I went to Minho and felt his pulse, it was very slow. He was barely breathing. I leaned over him and placed my shaky hands on his chest.

"Cmon Minho, you can do it, just breathe, please." I hears myself say desperately pushing up and down on his chest. After a few pushes I gasped awake and I let out a breath of air I was holding. 

"Holy shuck, what happened? Are they gone?" He said frantically getting up.  Then he stopped and looked at his hands that had blood on them. Then he looked at Chuck. It was his blood.

I wanted to stay but I had to go and help more people.  After half an hour. 7 people were dead. Lots injured. Hope had a purple and red bruise on her throat but she barely noticed it. We had less than half people with us.  There was only 18 of us left.

We did out best and putting the dead to rest and we said a few things. Many of us were crying. Including me as I looked at my friends bodies.

I tried to stop looking at them by walking over to the three girls with the tattoos. Faith had said that the pain was completely gone and she couldn't control what had happened with the light.

No one could explain what it was, we didn't bother.

"Does this mean something is going to happened to mine and Hope's tattoo?" Destiny asked. I didn't know the answer but I definitely wouldn't cross out that idea.

It was around midnight and no one could sleep. We didn't even try, we were too worried about the horrors of tonight sinked in our minds. We made sure the lights stayed on the entire night as we couldn't sleep.

We forced ourselves to eat a little knowing it will do some good. I was over all of the death. I tried to keep reminding myself that we were over half way there. It was about 2 in the morning when Destiny started groaning.

We all looked at her then her wrist. It was glowing, barely. It was exactly like Faith.  My guess is it will hurt until something comes out of it, another light? I don't know but Faith seemed to be the only one able to understand her pain.

The moon on Destiny's wrist looked pretty cool if it was JUST a tattoo, but it means something else, we all knew it does. Day 5 begins.


I hope you like it.
I would like to say a massive thank you to stories_tmr for commenting frequently ❤❤

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