My face was planted in my pillow and I was balling my eyes out. I finally found the boy of my dreams and now he was being ripped away from me. Just the thought about Bianca make me sick.

I finally decided to get out of bed and do something with my pitiful life.

I went down to the kitchen and opened the freezer.



Cookies and cream.


Chocolate syrup.


cool! Good to go!

I plopped down on the couch and turned on the X Games. My German Shepherd pup, Benito (a/n that's a Shawn Mendes reference #mendesarmy)
"Sup little dude!" I said as he jumped on my lap. He licked my cheek and I giggled. We sat there for a while.

All of a sudden the doorbell rang.


'I'm coming!"

Ding dong.

"I said I'm coming!"

I yanked the door open and Jake was standing I the doorway. I gave my best sassy eye roll and tried my best not to start crying again.

"Can we talk?"
"Sure whatever..." I said as he walked in.
"Hi little dude!" He said to Benito.
"Only I can call him that." I said shouting the door.
"Oh um sorry."
"Listen Jake I said it before and I'm gonna say it again. I don't know a Johnny!" It was all Bianca! She stole my phone!!" I said.
"I know. I found out a little bit ago. I'm so sorry Riles I should have believed you."
"Awe Jake!" I said. I ran into his arms and his soft lips fell upon mine.

The kiss wasn't heated and it wasn't awkward. It, it was just perfect.

"You want to go to the skatepark?" He asked.
"Absolutely," I said gazing into his eyes.

We rode down the street, hand in hand.

"I love you so much Riles."
"I love you too," I said pressing my lips against his.
"Oooo get do Jake!" Kian yelled from inside the park. I smiled and rested my forehead on his.


And that's it!

Hope you enjoyed it!!!

~faith ♥

Once Apon A SkateparkWhere stories live. Discover now