I got up early that morning because today I was gonna ride down to the skatepark. I go down there every Saturday and Sunday.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed a breakfast bar and ran back upstairs and threw on a loose black crop top, light color jeans, and a flanel around my waist. I put on my favorite black hat on backwards. I slipped on my all black Vans, grabbed my board, and headed down the street.

On my way to the park I practiced easy things like a backside shove-it.
I crouched down getting ready to jump. I shoved the board 180 degrees over the ground, using my back foot. I catched the board with my feet and continued skating.

I got to the skatepark and I found a clearing on the concrete slab where I could practice my trick.
I did all the steps I was supposed to do but still couldn't get it right. I tried at least 12 more times, still not getting it. I was just about to try again when a very attractive boy walked up to me.
"I see you're trying to do the fakie 360 flip," he said pointing at my board.
"Yeah. I haven't seem to get it down," I said.
"Its really hard," he said. "I got it down, maybe I could help you?"
"Sure!" I said. "I didn't get your name. "I'm Riley. Riley Crawford," I said holding my hand out and he took it.
"I'm Jacob. You can call me Jake," Jake said.
Ok so you know what to do right?" He asked me. I nodded my head. I started but when I got to the part I can't do and, of course, I failed. I was just about to fall on my butt (again) but before I could Jake grabbed my hands keeping me from falling.
I sighed. "Thanks," I said tightening my flanel.
"No problem," he said still holding my hands. Jake looked down at them and quickly released them. "Sorry," he says, his cheeks getting red.
"Hey listen, I gotta get going. Maybe we could hang out tomorrow?" I asked.
"Sure, that's cool," he said. I smiled and took off down the street.


I'm going on vacation so idk if I can update soon :(



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