"Ah, its warm" he commented as we walk.

"Are you stupid or something? I cant eat this cake anyway, why bother buying?" I scolded him.

"Why not? You look so thin, you need sweets" He gave me a weak smile.

"Of course i need to be thin, im a ballerina for goodness sake, park!" I shot at him.

We were already infront of the dorms, so i shoved the cake to him and stormed inside.

I didnt even know why i was getting angry at him. Im just so stressed with my packed schedule, i accidentally let it out on him. Now im feeling bad, just great.

"Why am i even feeling bad? He made me eat a lot when i have weighting tomorrow!" I went into the shower.

Even after showering with warm water, my heart still feels cold. Chanyeol is the only friend i got, and i made him broken hearted. Im an idiot.

I grabbed my jacket and headed outside. I hope he's still there. I hope he's waiting for me by the bench. I ran as fast as my legs could bring me, and i was right, he's all alone with the cake.

"Yah! Park chanyeol!" I shouted as soon as i saw him.

He turned to me, smiling, "oh?".

I went to him and hit his arm, "jerk! Youre such an idiot for making me fat! I hate you!".

"Ouch," he stopped my hands, "if youre done, we can eat the cake,".

"I wont eat!" I sulked, turning away.

"Why? Its my birthday," he told me.

"What?" I looked at him.

"Its my birthday, so lets just eat this cake already. Im getting cold waiting for you" he smiled.

"Jerk! You didnt even tell me its your birthday!" I shouted.

"And what if i tell you? Its not gonna change a thing" he raised his shoulders

"Of course it will, i could have bought you a present!" I told him

"Lets just eat the cake, i dont want you getting fat and sick" he joked.

"Both is your fault though," i sighed, " if i get a punishment tomorrow, im gonna kill you".

"I'll kill that coach first, then you can kill me" he keeps blabbing.

I cut a piece of cake and shoved it into his mouth to shut him. I taste the cake myself, it is pretty good. But it still makes me fat.

"Go on in," chanyeol took me to my dorm.

"You should go too," i shooed him, "drink lots of water and rest well, dont want to fail on your vocal test tomorrow".

"How do you know?" He asks.

"Of course i know, its written on the main board" i said.

"Right," he nodded, "dry your hair, dont get sick. See you tomorrow after class, babe" he kissed my left cheek.

I froze for 10 seconds as park chanyeol showed me his happy dance. He acts like he just won a gold medal, really. I feel the heat rising on my cheeks, though its cold outside.

"Park chanyeol!!" I shouted his name loud.

He ran away, almost tripping on his own legs. That guy is such a clumsy kid. But he didnt seem that clumsy when it comes to being romantic.

What am i even saying?!


"____ ssi, you gained 500 grams overnight. Are you sneaking food insude the dorm?" The coached eyed me after seeing the result.

"No ma'am," i shook my head.

"She's dating park chanyeol," the girl beside me told the coach.

Wait, how did she know? I dont even have any friends here.

"Yeah, i saw them together a lot. And they had a date yesterday" another girl said.

"Really?" The coach asked, "well, you should stop seeing him and start seeing the nurse more often now".

"Sorry?" I ask, what did she mean by that.

"Everyone overweight, do 500 jump ropes, you cant go before that" the coach smirked.

"Awwhh," mostly everyone was overweight.

As i was doing the jumpropes, some girls crowded by the door. What are they looking at? Must be some hot guys next room, the piano class.

"Oh, ____ ah, your boyfriend came" some girl pointed.

"Hello, ____" he waved.

My eyes widen, "go, before the coach sees you".

"Why? Im having my class right now" he pointed to the room beside us.

"Yah! Park chanyeol, you naughty kid, come with me" the piano teacher pulled him.

"I'll see you later, ____" he waved.

I accidentally stopped jumproping after seeing his face. The coach saw me and added 200 jumps. Im getting unlucky today, all because of park chanyeol.



*i need to update more tho.. i think i will by next week, i hope*

EXO-L DIARIES: THE EXO ONE SHOTS BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now