Distance | Phichit Chulanont

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"Over here, I can't count the miles away from where I wanna be. I bet your skin is warm and that you're smiling. Yeah that's what I always loved the most about you.
You're so strong come and knock me down."
- Paramore, "Proof"

Phichit Chulanont had met the most amazing girl who, for some reason, was recording herself, while walking to his home rink in Bangkok. After she put the camera away, he approached her.

"Um... Hello! I was wondering what you were doing?" He asked his accent was thick, but he hoped she could understand.

Now, [Name] wasn't into any sports (unless Anime Sports were included). So, she'd no idea who Phichit was.

"Oh! Hi! I'm [Name]! I run a vlog and do some gaming on YouTube. I was just recording for that." She smiled.

"Oh! You're [username]!!! I watch some of your stuff! You're here for an international studies program, right?" He asked, "I'm sorry if that seems a little... Stalker like." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

"No, no! I enjoy meeting fans!" [Name] smiled, "I just didn't know I had any Thai fans!" She giggled.

"Well, you talk very clearly. It helps when I have to... Study English." He said, unsure if he'd gotten across what he was trying to.

"That's perfect!" [Name] exclaimed, "I'm glad I talk clearly. I'm not exactly in a part of the US known for speaking the clearest."

Phichit laughed, "You live in Nashville, right?"

"Yes. I'm going to Vanderbilt, but to go I had to cut housing. I'm staying in some apartments down from there. Still expensive, but it helps."

They talked for a bit, but soon enough, Phichit's fans approached.

"Phichit!" A group of three exclaimed. From what [Name] could make out, they were asking about her. Once Phichit had told them that she was not his girlfriend, they started asking when he was going to be practicing and other questions involving figure skating. They all got pictures, then ran off, squealing.

"So... You're a figure skater?" [Name] asked.

"Er, yes. I am." He replied, "Do you watch figure skating?" He asked.

"No, I'm not really into sports. My parents tried to get me involved when I was small. I didn't like it." She said, sighing.

"Come and watch me!!!" He exclaimed, "I'll be practicing at the rink tonight at 7! After that, do you want to get coffee? It's getting cold."

[Name] smiled, "Sure, I'd really like that!"

"See you tonight at 7, then!" He kissed her hand, and waved as he rushed to get somewhere.

Upon arriving at her home family's house, the daughter (and one of [Name]'s closest friends), looked at her, "You met someone." She stated.

"I... Uh..." [Name] blanched. Was it that obvious?!

"Don't worry. He may not be like the rest." She said.

"Anong, I don't..." [Name] started.

"[Name], you know why I date western men, right?" She asked.

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