    As soon as you see the hickeys and Camila's quick attempt to cover them, you know the truth,
    She fucked Ariana and wasn't ever going to tell me about it, after yesterday's events, this completely infuriates you, So it's unacceptable to sleep with someone after breaking up, but it's cool to do it while you're still in the relationship? Fucking hypocrite... You have plenty of awful and mean things you could say to Camila, but because you're a nice person, you don't want to say any of it at all, knowing it would hurt the girl you still have some feelings for. All you really want to do now is just get out of the house and cry until you have no more tears left in you. As you begin to walk towards your exit, you hear Camila jump out of the chair she was sitting on and she rushes towards you,
    "Y/N/N, wait! Please, let me explain," Camila desperately says,
    "You don't need to explain anything to me, I have fucking eyes!"
    "It's not what it looks like..." you look into Camila's eyes to see if she's bullshitting you or not. To you, it looks as if she's being sincere, but your judgement probably isn't spot on anymore, right?
    "Oh, sure, go ahead and feed me more lies... Clearly I can't differentiate whether you're telling the truth or lying to me nowadays," you bitterly say,
    "I promise, no lies right now," you are having an inner debate with yourself when you hear this,
Should I trust her and hear her out, or just leave her in the dust like she did to me yesterday? You shake your head, "I can't trust you anymore," before you can grab the doorknob, you hear something that pulls you right back in,
    "She raped me!"
    "What?" You question while turning back around and looking at Camila, who's crying hard and looks to be in pain,
    "She slipped something into my drinks last night. I was so devastated and wasted, I just kept on drinking whatever she handed me without question... She took me back to a hotel room and forced herself on me. I tried to stop her at first, I really did, but I was too weak and dizzy. Then her drugs really hit me, and I thought I was with you..." After hearing this, you feel so bad for Camila. Due to your instincts, you unknowingly take small steps towards her. Once you're standing close enough to her, you begin wiping away her tears, hoping it'll supply her at least a little comfort, "This morning, she threatened me, and tried to do—it—again..."
    "What did she threaten you with?" You practically whisper out,
    "She said I had to break up with you and be with her... She said if I don't, I'll be punished..." Camila slowly pulls up her long sleeve to show you the mean bruise that developed on her left wrist due to Ariana's tight grip. Tears instantly spring into your eyes when you see the horrible mark that was left on your girlfriend. You gently grab her wrist, resulting in Camila automatically wincing. You make a mental note to get her some ice soon before placing a small, gentle kiss on the bruise, "If you think I look bad, you should see the other girl," Camila says with a small smile playing at her lips, trying to draw your attention away from the gross mark in which she absolutely hates,
    "You did something to hurt her?" You ask rather excitedly. Camila let's out a small laugh,
    "You know I don't really condone violence, but I didn't have much of a choice... I had to get her to stop somehow, so I punched her in the face, hard," you proudly smile, not trying to hide your feelings one bit, but then the harsh reality of that statement sinks in,
Camila had to defend herself from getting raped again... Tears begin to fall down your face,
    "Babe, why're you crying?" She questions while wiping your tears this time,
    "I'm sorry," you say, trying to compose yourself, "I just hate her and what she did to you. You must've been so scared... I should've been out looking for you, trying to protect you. I'm so sorry, Camila," you say as the tears fall harder and she wraps her arms around you,
    "Hey, please don't blame yourself, there's nothing you could've done, Love. I'm so sorry for leaving, I was just upset and wanted to hurt you," you pull back from the hug so you can look into her eyes as you say this,
    "I promise, we won't let her near you. I'll kill her if I have to in order to protect you. No matter what we are, I'm here for you, ok?" Even though you can tell she wants to ask you questions about what that means exactly, she holds off and sends you an appreciative smile while nodding. You know the truth and feel absolutely awful for Camila, but you're still hurt and angry. She was the one who grabbed Ariana and ran off with her, automatically involving herself with potential danger. That's the thing... You aren't mad at Camila for the whole sleeping with Ariana situation, considering she didn't have a choice in that, but you are mad that she was willing to run off with someone who had hurt her in the past just to get back at you. It was an extremely reckless, stupid, and dangerous decision, and you can't just dismiss it. For now though, you know that Camila needs you with her, and you kind of need her too, (ok, maybe more than kind of) so you'll let it slide for a while, or at least until you feel that you and Camila are both stable enough to handle that conversation,
    "What do we do now?" Camila asks, breaking you out of your thoughts,
    "I think we have to tell your entire family the truth," you see instant panic fill her brown eyes when you say this,
    "What? No! Why?"
    "We all have to protect you from Ariana. They need to know why exactly they're protecting you from her, right?" She lets out a deep breath,
    "Do we have to tell them everything... Like from start to finish?" You nod your head and place a soft kiss on her temple before answering,
    "Ya, you have to be completely honest and open with them. You don't need to worry though, I'll be standing next to you and holding your hand the entire time," she let's out one more deep breath in a final attempt to calm her nerves before sticking her hand out towards you,
    "Ok, let's get it over with then," you accept her hand and send her a small smile before exiting the bedroom.

Who Should I Choose? (Camren/You)Where stories live. Discover now