Celia Knows

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A few hours passed and Elliot grew weary of me, I mean who wouldn't. He decided to come up and check on me and to his surprise, I was laying almost lifeless on his bed.

"Omg, not again, how dare he keep doing this to her," Elliot said as he rushed to get a cold cloth from the bathroom.

He came to my side and said,

"Crystal, please wake up. Come on Crystal, you have to wake up. You need to be stronger than him. Try to resist, come on!"

Elliot was hovering over my body and putting the cold cloth on my forehead.

I was burning up.

"I should have never left her out of my sight, I am a fucking idiot. She was vulnerable and I let this happen to her. How could I let this happen and now, she is with him, and every time he slips into her mind he gets stronger?"

Celia came into the room, she had her hand extended and exerting what little power she could wield at that moment. She glanced at my body and then at her brother and stated,

"It's no use wailing on and on about your mistake, brother, not even my spells can wake her up."

Celia heavily breathed as her energy depleted.

"Don't use up all your strength, you're still very young and that means your powers haven't fully developed yet. We wouldn't want you to lose them before you have them fully, now would we?" Elliot sighed.

He looked at my body just laying there silently, as if he lost someone close to him.

"Don't worry brother, we'll get her back," Celia said, as she came over to hug her brother tightly.

Elliot stood up and went to the bathroom to replace the old cold cloth with a new one, and he answered,

"I sure hope so, I know she's strong, but he is stronger. Like I have said, I should have never left her side. I could've stopped him from invading her mind. I would have saved her from his clutches at least for the time being."

Elliot came back over, placed the cold cloth on my body and then looked away trying to hide his frustration from his sister. He was chewing himself up about this.

"Elliot! Stop beating yourself over what has already been done. We will get her back, okay? Besides, look on the bright side, he doesn't have all of her. He just has her mind, but he cannot touch her physically. That has to count for something, right? We are here, she is safe, that is all that matters." Celia replied, trying to cheer up Elliot.

"Yeah, I guess. You know for an 8-year-old, you sure are smart sis. Although, if he pick-pockets her brain and makes her reveal where she is being held, his henchman will come for her. That means our lives too will be in jeopardy and I cannot afford to lose you too." Elliot stammered.

Celia smiled and shrugged, "Brother, you will not lose me, I'll defend myself as much as I can. You won't lose me ever. H is a big meanie for leaving us, his own family, and Elliot?"

"Yes?" Elliot said curiously.

"Well, uhm. How do I say this..." Celia was blushing a little in embarrassment.

"Come on spill! What is it that you want to ask Celia?"

The suspense was killing Elliot.


"Okay, here it goes. I have been suspicious of your behaviour ever since you began to acquaint yourself with Crystal. Do you like Crystal, like more than a friend per se? I am just getting really weird vibes from you, that's all." Celia, still blushing, looked up at her brother.

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