Nightmare 3

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I held out my hand, hoping Elliot would be the one to hold it, but, instead, I touched a cold, metal bar. I seriously wanted to scream, but somehow, I couldn't find my voice. Would you look at that, out of all the times, he decided to link up to my brain while I was transforming into some type of animal from the looks of things. Like, come on, once again I was back in that slimy, grungy, cold-ass cell again.

I am getting very irritated with this old, boring routine, like seriously.

Although, how come I always end up in this stupid nightmare!? I don't even know what this is, but a nightmare feels right now. Ugh why!? Especially, in a time like this where I know something has happened to my real body and that I am in the hands of Elliot, but I cannot wake up.

I looked down at my hands, and to my surprise, I was still my human self. How odd, I was sure that I had changed entirely while phasing through the mirror. Unless, how this link works, I still appear to look human?

Soon enough, I hear the door open and as expected there he was. A silhouette of a tall, muscular man, with dark-brown hair, which is all just an educated guess. I wasn't too sure and well adjusted in this darkness, besides the light illuminating the far corner of this dungeon and a slit of light coming from a crack in the wall.

He let the door close slightly but made sure to have a stopper on the bottom from the door closing entirely, and he made his way over to my cell.

How can he keep manipulating my mind and why is he targeting me? This is ruthless and not to mention, utterly, disgusting!

"Hello my darling, elegant as always, I see. Although, recently, if I am not mistaken, I detected something else about you that is new, which is intriguing. I thought you were fully like your mother, but I was wrong. You're half of your father, which is a shame, but at the same time, very interesting."

How does he know that something different about me has changed?

He began to laugh. Not a chuckle, no, more like an evil laugh you hear when bad guys in the movies would laugh, ya know?

Wait, why did he bring my parents into this? What do they have to do with anything that is happening to me?

"You knew my parents?" I questioned.

What is he going on about? Well duh! I was conceived by my mother due to them having sex and all, but something new? What does he mean by that?

"I didn't just know your mother, I loved her. She and I knew each other from our school days. Until, one day she leaves out of nowhere, with no explanation, and I find out from people we both knew, that she's with another man a few years later. Which happened to be, none other than your father."

"Wait... school days? Like in the world you live in? Does that mean my father and mother were from an alternate world?" I questioned.

"Yes, my sweet. This world is called, Esperanza. Unlike, your planet that consists of Countries and States, here, there are 4 Kingdoms."

You're telling me that this isn't my mind, but his, since he said here, as in we are in the world Elliot is from!?

"If you knew my parents, how come they never mentioned you," I said smugly.

I mean, I am not wrong? My parents never told me or my sister about where they grew up.

He did not like my question apparently because he opened my cell and yanked on the chains wrapped around my ankles.

"For your information little missy, I decided to stay away from your mother after that and was on the down-low for a long time. Perhaps they knew how powerful I became and that is why they kept things from you and your sister. Not only keeping you two from knowing the truth but raising you both in your world. Away from here, so I couldn't sense your auras, although, I would have loved to watch you grow up, I am kind of jealous of your doctor."

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