Nightmare 2

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"Crystal, wake up my darling." His voice was just as malicious as before.

You have got to be kidding me!

Once again, I was back inside the dungeon, in this grungy, old cell. That means I let my body go to sleep. This isn't good, and I tried pinching myself to see if I would wake up. Nothing happened; I was trapped here.

Shit, shit, shit.

This time something felt different, there was a light on at the west side, just enough to see the bruises on my body. I couldn't feel them, but some of them, that I could tell, looked very gnarly .

Once again I heard him, he emitted so much raw dark energy, his presence made me shutter.

"It seems only yesterday that we saw each other. Oh, wait, that's because we did. Haha. I sure missed you. You have been on my mind lately, and I thought it would be lovely if you were in my presence again."

"Who are you?" I cried out, hoping he would finally tell me what I wanted to hear.

He came down the stairs and I saw him lick his lips,

"Crystal, my love, please do not cry. A beautiful lady like yourself, shouldn't cry."

Ew. That's a bit revolting. Like can you not. I hate being his stupid ass prisoner. Who the fuck is he. Could he be the man in the mirror? Why does he want me? Out of all the people he probably could torment. He picks me.

He came closer to my cell, the closest he's ever been and I felt my knees buckle.

He unlocked my cage swiftly, and immediately he grabbed my porcelain face. I winced and he smiled and showed his teeth; they were a sight to see, all straight, but, yet, parts of me believed they could cut through anything

I wasn't wanting him to try them out on me. Fuck no.

"Soon you will know who I am, my love, perhaps sooner than you think."

Better just tell me who he is right now because, I am done playing around!

"Why don't you just tell me who you are, instead of waiting any longer." I tried to rip out of his hold, but his hands held my face in position.

His breath smelt like mints, it was strange, but his lips were barely touching mine.

Any closer and I'd probably puke.

"I am almost strong enough to reach you in your world and bring you into mine, once I have you for real, then you will know who I am."  He said with pride.

Wait, did I hear that correctly. Did he just say his world?

That means the man in the mirror is part of this world. If that is the case, how in the hell am I suppose to believe he's the good guy for all I know he could be working a long side this piece of shit. Although, why would he? He has warned me multiple times, but I never listened. I got to get out of this nightmare. I have to wake up! I have to fucking wake myself up!!

"Crystal, why so shy tonight? You're so beautiful and smell so lovely. Yet, if I were to take a crack at what you're thinking, I'd probably guess, you are wondering how to escape? Well, you can say goodbye to any plans you have, unless you don't care enough about your sister." He breathed down my neck.

The hairs on my neck stood up, as he gently kissed from my collar bone back up to my cheek, his lips were warm, and all I could do was wince in agony.

Fuck, I just want him to get away from me. He smells like wet-dog. His tongue is slobbery and seriously, I feel like I am going to puke.

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