Tragic at School

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Sun began creeping through the curtains and touched lightly on my eyelids.

I blinked and proceeded to stay sleeping until the heater kicked in and started blowing air in the direction of my curtains. Trying not to get blinded by the sun, I covered my eyes with my hands.

Slowly waking from my bed, I turned to the pile of clothes that sat on my chair.

I seriously needed to do laundry, and I am the responsible one around here, I cannot afford to be lazy. Yet, I loved it when mom would do it, she wouldn't mess things up.

I always do.

If you are wondering about how I pay the bills, well, if both our parents passed away, the house became mortgage free. As well as, our parents had a trust fund for both me and my sister. Therefore, I set up my bank account to auto-pay our bills when they are due.

The money that is for my sister is in her bank account, but I have put a large lump sum away, for when she gets a bit older.

Today was a big day for me and my sister; going back to school from vacation is the hardest thing. Especially since we were able to breathe and take a moment for ourselves, instead of worrying about school or who murdered our parents.

Unfortunately, school is upon us today and I  only had a few months left, but I know it will feel like the longest few months and I cannot wait for it to be over.

That way I could focus more on my family.

I quickly got changed, took a second glance in my mirror to make sure I looked alright and called down the hall to Serenity's room,

"Rise and shine! Time to get ready for school, we are not being late like all the other times."

As I was heading away to the stairs, I caught a glimpse of my parent's room again. The door was wide open and I saw that a few drawers were tampered with.

I went in and questioned myself why they were open.? Yet, there was nothing out of the ordinary and it didn't look like anything was taken, but why were they opened in the first place?

"Serenity, did you go into mom and dad's room this morning?"

"No, why?" She called out.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," I answered.

Strange. If Serenity wasn't in here, then who or what could have opened these drawers?

I closed the drawers and took a little gander around their room, but there was no evidence that anyone was in there and I closed their door behind me.

I just hope today is just an ordinary day and what happened last night and the nights previous were merely a figment of my imagination. I can't deal with more of this weird shit. Thinking about those damn drawers too, like I just need a break.

I ran down the stairs to get my lunch ready and quickly get myself a bite to eat before leaving.

I remember our younger days, Mom would be calling us down to eat a good breakfast before we headed off to school and would make sure we packed enough in our lunches. I felt like I was a kid when Mom did that, but she did mean well.

God, I was sure crazy and reckless back then, although, not Serenity though, she has always been so focused on her studies, as her goal is to be a Veterinarian and I know Mom and dad would be so proud of her.

She had a way with animals as if she knew how they feel, and how they respond. Mom would always call her a "whisperer."

"I'm ready sis, lets's get going."

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