(Shayde's POV for Nightmare 4)

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I leave my throne room and head back to my room to remove my robe and get into some grey sweat pants and a black fitted, v-neck Tee.

I went to my mirror and checked out my fit while saying,

"Damn I look good. What's the occasion you ask? Just heard Crystal is in our world, and I am going to invade her little mind and find out where she has been hiding."

I left my room and headed to the science lab where Doc. Serantro will most likely be held up hopefully creating a cure for Crystal's little sister.

I sauntered in, gleaming from ear to ear and the Doc looked very confused.

"Sir? What is going on? There is something off about you. Have you taken anything?" Doctor Serantro asked.

I put my arms around the doctor's shoulders and replied,

"I am not stressed Doc, I am merely over-joyed from the news I received today and I think we need to celebrate with some drinks later."

"Why is that Sir, should I be worried. I cannot read your mind. What is going on?" Doctor Serantro asked.

"No, no, nothing to be worried about at all Doc, it's come to my attention that a certain someone might be in our world."

"Oh, who is it, Sir?"

"Well, Kalcaber came to my room earlier and said she is here."

"Wait, Kalcaber came to our Kingdom. For what? Isn't he supposed to be running headquarters?"

I looked at him, a little annoyed he didn't fully get what I was trying to say and I responded,

"Did you not just hear what I said? She is her Doc! She is in our world!"

"She, sir? What are you going on about?"

I sighed, I gotta give him props, he is the best at science and all, but not picking up on social cues.

"Crystal, she is here, Doc! Isn't this wonderful news? Now, to locate her exact whereabouts. I can sense her aura, but sadly, it is faint, perhaps she is in an area where my power cannot reach."

"Wow, sir, that is great news indeed. I wonder how she got here though. I don't recall the Maysh's having a secret portal or hidden door to get into this realm?"

I licked my lips seductively, just the thought of being close to her made me feel ecstatic. This cannot be happening, but my wish has come true. The fact she is in our realm makes her being my queen more surreal. I might have an idea of how she got here, but I'll keep that quiet for now.

"At this current time, I do not care how she got here. I need her here with me, now."

"Sir, may I remind you, that you are not at your full strength, thus trying to infiltrate Crystal's mind will not be the best idea for you right now. Perhaps you should consider this and wait until later."

He was not wrong, knowing for a fact that I have been exerting my powers lately, and I should wait. Yet, I needed to see her, I wanted nothing more than to seep into her pretty little head and bestow myself to her one last time, before seeing her in person.

"Silence Serantro! I know my limits, but at the same time, this could be my chance to find out where she is, so I can finally capture her. You have no idea how long I have been waiting for the day I have her in my arms."

It is truly something for her to be here, but I'll play it like I don't know that she's in our world, that way she doesn't get any bright ideas of escaping. It will be extremely difficult for me to act all serious and lie to her, but perhaps she'll slip up and tell me her whereabouts.

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