Chapter 40

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Emily POV

The alarm woke me and Evan up. I set it a little early so I would have time to get Kira to school. I rolled out of bed and went to my room. I pulled on some jeans and a shirt. I quickly did everything I needed to do and walked downstairs.

I ate a bowl of cereal and then walked back upstairs. I went to Kira's room. I shook her awake.

"Hey." I said. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Hello there." She said.

"Kira do you know what the name of your school is?"

"Yeah. It's Harper Elementary school." She said.

Good! That's right next door to the high school.

"Okay. Well you have to get up and dressed for school. I will drop you off on my way to school." I explained to her.

"Can you help me pick an outfit out?" She asked. I laughed and nodded. I grabbed her a pair of pink pants and a white shirt. She changed and I helped her downstairs. I got her something to eat. I put on her coat and grabbed her backpack.

"Evan!" I yelled upstairs. He came running down the steps.

"I'm coming!" He yelled grabbing his backpack. I laughed at his franticness. We walked out to his car and I buckled Kira in. We drove over to school and I walked Kira over to her school.

I walked in the door of her school and there was a teacher standing there.

"Miss. Mackey!" Kira exclaimed and ran over to her. The teacher smiled and look up at me confusedly.

"Kira why don't you go talk with your friends." Miss. Mackey said. She nodded and ran over to a few kids.

"Where is Kira's mother? She always drops off." The teacher asked.

"Kira's mother pasted away. She was in an accident and I took Kira in." I explained to the teacher. The teacher just nodded and excused herself.

I quickly walked over to school and dropped my stuff of at my locker. I went to homeroom. Austin wasn't there which confused me, but I brushed it off when my teacher called me up.

"The office would like to see you." She said. I nodded and walked over to the office. I walked into the office and there was a boy in there that I didn't recognize.

"Emily!" Mr. Voy exclaimed. "This is Michael and I need you to show him around school. Your teachers have been informed that you will not be in your classes."

I just nodded and he went back to his office. I looked over at Michael. He had blonde hair. He wore jeans and a shirt that said "Idiot" on the front.

I walked over to him.

"Hi. I'm Emily. I'll be showing you around today I guess." I said. He just smiled at me.

"Hey. I'm's nice to meet you." He said.
"No way!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah." Michael said.

"You really came all this way from New York. Why would you leave to come here!?" I said.

We were sitting outside talking. We were in the courtyard. I showed him around, but we had a bunch of time left.

"My mom's job got moved over here." He said. "I had to leave a lot of friends and it was hard. But I'm sure I'll have a great time here."

"You will. This is a nice school. I can show you around and you can meet my friends." I said excitedly.

"That sounds great. Is there anywhere around here where you can sign up and sing at. I really like to sing, and I just wanted to know if you knew of any places." He asked.

"Yeah! Shakers is near here and they are always looking for new acts." I said. I was going to mention that I sang there, but I didn't want him knowing that I was mystery yet.

"Cool...maybe you can show me there later. If you have time. I would love for you to watch me sing."

"How about Friday?" I asked.

"Sure that would be great."

We just sat there talking till the end of the day.
Evan POV

I walked into my last period class which I had with Emily. I realized that she wasn't there. The teacher was not there so we got a study hall.

Gracie came over to me with a smirk.

"Hey there." She purred.

"Gracie for the last time! I have a girlfriend and I love her." I said to her.

"Oh well I guess she must not love you back. Say that she skipped school to hang out with a boy." She said. She handed me her phone with a picture on it. It was Emily and this boy that I didn't recognize. They were sitting in the courtyard laughing with each other. My heart hurt when I saw this picture.

I stood up quickly and shoved her phone back into her hands. I ran out the door and to my car. I drove home. I just sat in the living room. Till I decided to text Emily.

To: Emily
I went home early. Find yourself a ride.

I sent it and then fell asleep.
Emily POV

While I was talking to Michael my phone buzzed.

From: Evan
I went home early. Find yourself a ride.

I cursed under my breath.

"You okay." Michael asked.

" ride just canceled, so I need to find someone to take me home." I explained.

"I can take you home." Michael offered.

"You would do that?" I asked.

"Yes of course."

"Thank you Michael." I said. He just smiled. At that moment the last bell rang. We both stood up and he directed me to his car.

"Can we stop at the elementary school right over there?" I asked him. He nodded confusedly. We drove over and I got out. I walked in and Kira was waiting for me. She smiled at the sight of me and I grabbed her hand. I walked her out to the car and Michael's eyes widened when he saw her.

"Kira!?" He exclaimed.

"Mickey!?" She exclaimed back. She let go of my ran and ran into Michael's arms.

" do you know each other?" I asked.

"Well....I came a year ago. Just for vacation. I met this girl at a cafe with her little sister. Kira was her little sister. I kept in touch with her once I returned to New York. Soon later Kira stopped being in FaceTime videos. I never knew why." He explained.

"Mommy threw her out. She threw my big sister out. There was this mean guy who mommy didn't want near me." Kira said.

"Kira? What is your sisters name?" I asked.


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