Chapter 11

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Evan POV

After Emily yelled at me. She started to fall I jumped out a caught her. I pick her up bridal style and ran back to the school. I ran to the nurses office. The nurse was just about to leave.

She looked at me then Emily.

"Oh. Get her inside here." She said ushering me inside. I walked in and laid her on the bed.

"Is she going to be ok." I ask worriedly. The nurse nodded and put a ice pack on her head.

"She was over heated and overwhelmed I believe. That's all. She should wake up in a few minutes."

I sat down in the chair next to the bed. I sat there for a few minutes. Then Emily started moving around. She was saying names.

"Andrew....Austin. No don't! Don't leave me. Please don't." She said moving around. I stood up quickly and sat next to her trying to shake her awake. Her eyes flew open and she sat up quickly. Her eyes were watery and she quickly looked around in confusion.

"What happened?" She asked wiping her eyes.

"You got over heated while yelling at me. You passed out."

She nodded and carefully stood up.

"Let's go home." I said taking her hand. She pulled out of my grip and shook her head.

"I don't want to go with you." She said sharply. She walked past me and out the door. I ran after her outside. It was raining again and she started walking in the rain. I ran to her and grabbed her wrist. I spun her to face me.

"What do you want?!?!" She said.

Emily POV

Wait what?

Before I could say anything. Evan leaned in and kissed me. I opened my mouth and he tongue went in. The rain was soaking us. I gripped his hair while he held my waist.

Omg Em what are you doing?

We pulled apart after a little bit.

He pushed the wet hair out of my face and smiled at me.

"I guess that I am forgiven?" He asked. I roll my eyes and tried to turn a keep walking. Then all of a sudden he picked me up bridal style. I squealed and tried to get out of his arms. I finally stopped trying and just gave up and let him carry me. We got to his car and he put me in the front seat. He drove back to his house. I walked inside.

"I'm going to get a shower." I said to Evan.

"Sure you don't want me."


He pouted. I laughed.

"Did you just laugh at me." He said moving closer. I shook my head. Then I turned on my heels and ran upstairs with Evan right behind me. I tried getting to my room, but Evan threw me over his shoulder. He walked into my room and threw me on the bed. He started tickling me. I laughed till he finally stopped and laid next to me.

He wrapped his arms around me. I carefully snuggled into his chest.

"Emily." Evan said.


"I know that you will not believe me, but I really do like you."

I shook my head. "You can't." I stated.

He sat up. "Why Em?"

"Cause I'm just this ugly and basic girl. You deserve someone better-"

"No don't say that. You're amazing. You're beautiful. You deserve as much as I do." He said.

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