Chapter 34

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Emily POV

I woke up in my bed with Evan holding me. We talked a little last night, but then he took me home. I got up cause I had to go to school today. I already missed two days.

Alex is going to kill me.

I woke up early so I could see if I could find Hayley at school. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt. I grabbed my black hoodie and put it on over top. I brushed my hair into a ponytail and brushed my teeth.

I walked downstairs and Evan was eating breakfast. He was still in his sleep pants.

"Hey." I said. I grabbed a granola bar.

"Hey? Why are you up so early?" He asked.

"I met a girl who goes to our school at shakers. I want to get there early to find her."

"What was her name?" He asked

"Hayley." I said. He just smiled. I grabbed my backpack and my phone. I yelled to Evan that I was leaving. I walked out the door and to my car. I started driving to school.

The light turned green and I went around the corner.

A car was coming right at me.

Before I could turn it ran right into my car.

I thrashed forward and the only thing I saw was black.
Evan POV

I left my house and drove to school a few minutes after Emily. I drove the back way because I wanted to see the forest.

I was just so peaceful.

I got to school and started looking around for Emily. I saw Alex at her locker getting her things so I walked over.

"Hey Alex. Do you know where Emily is?" I asked. She turned around and looked at me.

"No I figured she was with you." Alex said back worriedly.

"Don't freak out she probably I hanging out with Hayley."

"Who's Hayley?" Alex asked.

"A girl Hayley met at shakers. She goes to our school." I explained. I said goodbye to her and took out my phone. I called Emily but it went straight to voicemail.

That's weird.

I started to get a little nervous. I then saw Austin at the end of the hallway with the guys.

Even Logan.

All of my thought about Emily rushed out of my head. I walked up to the guys and then over to Logan. I walked up to him and punched him in the face.

He crumpled to the ground.

All of a sudden I was being pulled away by Austin and Noah.

"What the hell man!" Austin yelled. All of a sudden a teacher saw what happened and escorted me to office.
I got suspended from school for two days.

I never got to find Em, but I'm sure that she is fine with Hayley. I go home and just lay around on the couch watching tv. I turn to the news channel.

After about an hour of watching it I saw that their car accident close to the school. They were showing the accident then I saw it. The car was the same one Emily has.

I told myself to calm down that I could assume anything. I turned my attention back to the tv.

"Their was only one person in the car and she is now hospitalized. We have classified this girl as Emily Wells." The reporter said. I froze.

I quick got my shoes on a ran to my car. Then I drove to the hospital.
Emily POV

I opened my eyes to a very bright light of a hospital room. Pain shot through my body and I groaned. A nurse rushed in.

"Hello sweetie. How are you feeling?" She asked nicely.

"I'm in pain." I said with a scratchy voice. She just smiled sadly.

"What happened?" I choked out.

"You were in a car accident. You are lucky that you didn't go into a coma." She explained.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"11:00. You were out for about 2-3 hours." She said.


"Has anyone tried to see me?"

She shook her head. My face dropped and I thanked her for answering my questions.

Does Evan think I'm in school? Probably.

I just sat there is silence for a few minutes. Then all of a sudden their was a bunch of noises. All of a sudden I saw a black hair figure. Evan ran into my hospital room as fast as he could.

"EMILY! I HEARD ABOUT THIS ON THE NEWS! I GOT HERE AS FAST AS I COULD." Evan yelled. He saw me and his face saddened. I laughed at his franticness.

"This is not a laughing matter! You are in the hospital!" He exclaimed.

"But I'm ok Evan." I said back.

"Your okay?! You have a broken ankle and a bunch of scratches." He yelled panicky.

He started pacing around the room.

"Why are you not in school?" I asked. His face paled a little.

"Um I kinda got suspended from school for two days." He said running his hands through his hair.

"Evan! What did you do?!" I exclaimed. He rubbed the back of his head with a guilty smile.

"I kinda...punched Logan." He said.

"Evan! You told me that you were not going to hurt anyone!"

"I'm sorry Em. I just saw his and I got so angry. I couldn't hold back." He explained.

"It's okay. I know it's hard for you." I said softly. He sighed and sat down in the chair next to me. He held my hand and kissed it.

"I was so afraid when they said you got in a car crash. I thought that I might loose you." Evan said sadly.

I just squeezed his hand. "I'm not going anywhere."

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