Chapter 9

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Emily POV

I woke up under covers.

Oh. I guess it was just a dream.

I sat up and yawned. Then I realized that this was not my bedroom. I froze.

Where am I?!?!

I screamed. I heard running up the steps. I grabbed a tv remote and got ready to throw it. The door started to open and I threw it. I ducked under the covers after it left my hand. I heard it hit the door. Crap I missed.

"Are you trying to hurt me?!?!" I heard the person said. I knew that voice. Evan.

I pulled the cover down and looked at the door. Evan was standing there with jeans and a black shirt.

"I thought there was a murder in here." Evan said walking over and sitting in the chair next to the bed.

"Well I thought somebody kidnapped me. What would you do if you were in a strange room."

I looked around. "Where am I?" I asked knowing the answer.

"My house. Austin should be back in a few minutes." Evan told me. Then it all hit me. That was not a dream. They wanted me to move in with Evan. Just then Austin walked in to the room. I looked at him and he stopped.

"Oh. Your up." He said.

"Yeah I'm up. Plus I'm going home." I started to stand up and walk toward the door. I felt somebody grab my wrist and I winced in pain. I remembered that my wrist was still bruised. They loosed there grip. I turned and found Evan.

"Please let us explain." Evan said. I nodded and he pulled me back to the bed. I sat down and he sat next to me.

"Ok care to explain." I said.

"Well we know that you have nobody. Plus you get nightmares and there really bad. We want you getting sleep. So if you stay here. Evan can help you if you have a nightmare." Austin explain.

Aw. They really care. But I'm not giving up this easy.

"So what. I've survived without anybody for a bunch of my life." I said back. Evan looked at me in my eyes.

"We know. But now you have somebody. If you have somebody then you should let them help you. We can help you. We can take some of the weight off your shoulders." Evan said putting his arm around my shoulders.

I shrugged off his arm and thought for a few seconds. "So I'm not going to get out of this. Am I." I asked looking back and forth between them.

They both shook there heads. I sighed.

"Finally!!" Evan said laying back on the bed.

"Get dressed and we will go get the rest of your stuff." Austin said. I just then realized that some of my stuff was in a suitcase in the corner. They both stood and left the room. I walked over to the suitcase. I found some shorts and a simple t-shirt. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I pulled my hair up in to a messy bun. I grabbed my sneakers and walked out. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Ok let's go." Austin said.

"I'll take her." Evan said. Austin just shrugged and then he gestured to follow him. I walked behind him out to his car. We got in and he started driving to my house.

"So tell me something about yourself." Evan asked me.

"There's nothing really special about me."

We stayed silent for the rest of the car ride. Once we got to my house I unlocked the door and we walked in.

"You can stay here. I'll go get my stuff." I said to Evan. He just nodded. I ran upstairs and found some suitcases. I pulled everything out of my drawers and put it in the suitcase. I grabbed all of my shoes and pictures and put them in one. Once I finished packing everything. I put on my backpack and dragged my suitcase down the steps. I set them down and walked into the living room. Evan was sitting on the couch.

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