Chapter 21

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My plan was not exactly what it sounded like stupid but this was my only plan were I don't get killed ,trust me I looked.

Last night I called Lowell and it was terrifying for me because I needed to lure her to into the forest and if she didn't come my plan wont work.

Gladly she agreed but it still terrified me to my core of what might happen. It was now nine at night and we agreed to meet at nine-thirty.

I got on a black top, jeans, and boots. I put a sword down the back of my shirt just in case. Finally I was ready and I feel so stupid for letting her get away the first time.

"Be careful kiddo" my dad said as he hugged me. "Thank you for being here" I hugged him one last time then I let go.

I walked to the forest ,were there was a clearing of a cliff. The view was beautiful but that didn't last long.

"You came, I'm a little surprised" Lowell said as I turned towards her. "I came here for a reason and I'm not going to give that up" I looked into the shadows to see Jax standing there waiting to attack me.

"So why'd you call me here" she said coming closer. "I want to spar and if you win you can do what ever you want to me but if I win you have to let me and Jax go" I said looking at Jax for a split second.

"I'll take that offer and you said I can do anything to you" she said sexual. "That's right, whatever you want" I said trying not to look at her.

"Why does have to be after because I'm down for right now" she said gripping my waist. "What's the point of doing it now if you can do it forever if you win" I said this a bit annoyed.

"I don't want to take my chances" she said getting closer. Lowell grabbed me harder and put a knife against my throat.

"How about you just come with me and we don't have to spar" she said. "The only way your getting me is if you kill me" I said looking in her eyes.

Lowell looked at me with fear in her eyes, "What" she said. "You heard me if want me kill me" I pulled the knife closer to my throat. "DO IT" I screamed but she didn't flinch.

"See you can't do it you love me to much to hurt me or your just a good person deep down" I said barley audible. She dropped the knife and started crying as she hit the ground.

Then Jax came out of the shadows in full speed after me. "STOP" Lowell screamed still sobbing. Jax stopped right before he turned around and kicked Lowell in the face.

"You did this to me and my family now your going to pay" he said gripping her by the neck and carrying her to the edge of the cliff.

I tried pulling his arms away but they stayed in place. " I love you Ianna" she mouthed to me before Jax dropped her into the ocean bellow.

He turned around to me and said "Ianna I'm so so sorry" he said. "It's ok that wasn't your fault "

Jax pulled me in and kissed me "let's go home". All of the sudden a sharp pain hit me in my stomach. "Are you ok" he asked holding me, I realized what was going on. There was no blood anywhere so this had to be the answer, I was in labor
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