Chapter 16

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I went down to the kitchen my heart pounding the whole way there. The smile on his face was make my blood run cold. I just wanted to runaway and hide but that was how I felt on then inside.

 "Jax I have something amazing to tell you" I closed my eyes as the words slipped out. "I'm pregnant" before I could even look up he hugged me, I even heard him crying.

 "This is ....This is" he said picking me up. "Your happy about this" I asked surprised. "Of course I am" he said kissing me.

 All of the sudden out of nowhere there was a great pain in my chest. I screamed in pain it was agonizing.

"Ianna" said Parker running towards me. My vision was blurry and my chest felt like it had flames coming out of it.Then everything went black

(In her mind)

A bright light blocked my view but when it cleared I saw a village not far. I ran to the village not realizing until I fell I was chained to a tree.

"Trying to run" said a girl with blonde hair, "You know you can't". "Who are you" I said strongly, "Aria, Eric's mate". 

"Why am I here" I asked still saying strongly, "Because you killed Eric and i'm going to get you back for that but sadly I can't kill the one you love cause you already did that" she said grabbing chin.

 "What are you talking about" I said forcing my chin out of her hand but she grabbed it again. "Oh Ianna this is your future and I can't tell you what you did because it would not lead to this moment in time".

"Tell me whats going on" I said as she walked away. "TELL ME" I screamed, the chains  began to burn against my skin. The ground  around me slowly turned into an ocean. I heard screaming and I looked all over before I saw a little girl .

I couldn't tell what she was screaming before she fell in the water. My body plunged into the ice cold water to go after her but the chains that burned my skin was holding me back. 

When finally I took control and pulled as hard as I could and ripped the chains off my hands. I dived into the water looking for the girl. Then what I saw was incredible, I saw a girl with black hair with white ends. 

Then I finally realized that that was my daughter that's not born. She was beautiful, she just stayed there smiling. A bright light came and took all of this imagination that was my self cautious.

( Comes to reality)

I took a deep breathe in and then was breathing steady. No one was there to welcome me. But that was fine i'm tired of being helpless. I want to fight for myself not depend on others to defend me.

So i'm going to train, i'm not fighting for myself anymore. I'm going to be a mother and Jax is not always going to be able to protect either of us. I just want to be able to protect my daughter.


Don't worry this isn't the end 

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