Chapter 12

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 "Jahnea aren't you happy"  I said,her face was in complete sorrow. "Why would you give him that oppertunnity to take your power" Jahnea said her voice shaking. "Wait you knew?" I asked commpletely in shock,how did she know this? "Of course knew, your not the only one with powers here" she said pitting her hand on her hip.

  "Jahnea you have powers" said Parker shocked that both of us had powers. "Well there not as big as Iannas but there something" she said trying to hold back a smile. "What do you mean as BIG as Ianna's" Jax asked a little shy.

  "You see her power is a great number of her ancestors power" said Jahnea. "Ancestors" I asked know confused. "Well I don't know exactly how but this is what I remember your father telling me,your ancestors were werewolfs but they had powers also" we where waiting for her to continue.

"All of your ancestors had to pick a future child to give there power to because of a great war that lies ahead". My face was in shock honestly I was not expecting to that be reason. "So your saying that Ianna will become a werewolf" asked Jax.

 "Sort of but she will have more power and now that she knows of her power it makes her less vulnerable to Eric". My heart was pounding because it was practically  fate I came here. "Ianna I know it's big news but fate is fate you have to go along with it" Jax said.

 "No I don't, there is no path I should or shouldn't take this was my choice all of this was my choice" I said sternly. "I won't let fate decide who I am or what I will be" I walked out as calm as I could.

 I walked up to my room processing my thoughts when all of the sudden I was pushed against the wall. "Well isn't it a shame that your mate was willing to give you up like to some one he hates" said a girl. It took me a minute to find out who it was but finally I did. "Lowell" I have not seen or spoke to her since what she did.

 She covered my mouth with her hand. "Yes Ianna, its me the one who claimed you" I pushed her hand away from her mouth. "I don't care if you claimed me, i'm no ones" I said stern. I pressed hard on her wrist she yelped in pain and pulled away.

  When I looked at her arm and there was burn marks. Smoke came off of her burned skin like ashes. "This is not over I will have you" she almost screamed. I looked down at my hands and saw a purple crystal rezidue. Out of no where a voice said "looks like you can handle yourself" it was Eric.

  He came closer "your power is beautiful Ianna sadly it will be taken away before you can reach your full potential" he said with a smile. 'Sadly yes, its a shame" I tried to sound really upset. "Well maybe you could have some fun before its gone" he said. "How" I asked?

 "With your mate" he said walking away "He will lose you soon he should enjoy these last moments you". Jax came up the stairs right as he said that. He picked me up bridle style and carried me into the room.

  "You just created an excuse to have sex with me" he smirked as I said that.Jax pushed me up against the wall. He started to kiss me.

 He reached down my pants and grasped my hip. Jax ripped off his pants and shirt then did the same to me.

 "Jax I need to say something" I said feeling guilty. "Yeah" he asked "I don't have a plan to beat Eric" I said feeling shameful.  

 "I know thats why I want to spend my time with you" he said resuming. He finally layed me on the bed.

I pulled away continuing with the conversation.

"You did" I asked confused.

"Yes" I could tell he was annoyed.

"Came we resume" he asked, "Yes" I agreed.

Jax grasped my thigh make me gasp, he smirked. "Theres only two days till I get married to Eric, can you promise me something" I asked.

"What do you need me to promise" he said laying down next to me. "That you will still think of me the same and love me" I asked  looking down. "Of course" he said kissing me. 

 Thats when I realized that all I ever wanted was Love and now I have it and i'm throwing it away. I now what I have to do so I am able to keep my love with Jax but it was not going to be easy sneaking a dagger in the back of a wedding dress.


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